College of Graduate Studies

Types of Assistantships

There are four types of assistantships available at The University of Toledo:

Teaching Assistantship
The Teaching Assistant is expected to participate directly in the teaching of a course or be assigned to specific teaching support or related activities.  It is expected that the assistantship will be a learning experience that facilitates completion of degree requirements and helps the student prepare for a professional career.  The University’s intention is to make the teaching assistantship a valuable and integral part of the student’s graduate education.

Research Assistantships
The Research Assistant is expected to participate in research as directed by a University faculty member.  In many cases, the faculty member will have a research grant.  The appointment is primarily a learning experience.  The assistant will be given the opportunity to learn research design, data gathering, data treatment, interpretation, reporting, etc., rather than function simply in one isolated phase or serving as a clerical assistant.  Duties will be discussed with the sponsoring faculty member.

Administrative Assistantships
The Administrative Assistant is expected to participate directly in the administrative duties assigned by the supervisor.  It is expected that the assistantship will be a learning experience that facilitates completion of degree and helps the student prepare for a professional career.  The intention is to make the assistantship a valuable and integral part of the graduate student’s higher educational experience.

A selected number of graduate programs provide paid internships through agreements with companies in the Toledo area.  The internship provides the graduate student an opportunity to serve in a professional role and to establish relationships with professionals in their field of study.  Duties will be discussed with the sponsoring company representative and the UT faculty member.  Students should contact their department for more information.


Questions About your Application?

Visit Stranahan Hall, Room 1048
Mailing address
The University of Toledo
College of Graduate Studies
2801 W. Bancroft, MS 933
Toledo, OH 43606

Questions About Your Degree Progress?

Visit University Hall, Room 3240
Last Updated: 8/8/24