College of Graduate Studies

Recognition of Dr. David Giovannucci

Graduate Council Resolution

Approved May 3, 2022

WHEREAS, Dr. David Giovannucci has provided steadfast and exceptional leadership to Graduate Council as Chair during the 2021-2022 academic year.

WHEREAS, Dr. Giovannucci has provided exemplary leadership in guiding lingering policies through committee review and Council vote, overseeing a substantial number of curricular proposals, supporting and advocating for graduate students’ needs, most importantly, student health insurance, representing the Graduate Council on the Strategic Planning Committee, and seamlessly leading the Graduate Council through remote meetings due to challenges presented by COVID-19.

WHEREAS, Dr. Giovannucci achieved considerable success in his mission to communicate the unique role of graduate faculty and graduate students to campus administrators and to facilitate presentations at Graduate Council in order to increase faculty knowledge of the many resources available to them and their graduate students.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that The University of Toledo Graduate Council extends its deepest gratitude and appreciation to Dr. David Giovannucci for his unassuming and unwavering leadership as Graduate Council Chair.

Last Updated: 7/15/24