College of Graduate Studies

  • Know Yourself. As with all things, it is important to know how you operate and what study and work tactics are best for you.
  • Get Organized. Staying organized now will not only help you throughout your program, but will also help your future career. Knowing where the various papers and presentations you create are housed will make things easier when applying for positions after graduation.
  • Set S.M.A.R.T goals. Smart goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Creating smaller goals to achieve along the way will help maintain momentum and focus.
  • Manage Your Time Effectively. Make a habit of mapping out your time and prioritizing what projects or tasks will need to take precedence.
  • Become an Expert. Take advantage of opportunities presented to you through UT and through your department. Try to find research or practical experience opportunities to further boost your future resume. However, it is important to pick your opportunities wisely. Don’t spread yourself too thin by trying to take on more than you have time for.
  • Utilize Your Program for Connections. Get to know your fellow students, advisor, and other faculty and staff. Creating connections in your program will not only afford you resources during your graduate studies, but may also provide future career connections when you begin looking for a job.
  • Take Time for Yourself. Although hard work is important in any graduate program, it is also important to take time for yourself. Taking a break from papers and textbooks periodically will allow you to recharge and refocus your energy efficiently.
  • Ask for Help. Your department and the UT community provide numerous resources to help you during your graduate studies. Be sure to utilize those resources and ask for help when needed.

Questions About your Application?

Visit Stranahan Hall, Room 1048
Mailing address
The University of Toledo
College of Graduate Studies
2801 W. Bancroft, MS 933
Toledo, OH 43606

Questions About Your Degree Progress?

Visit University Hall, Room 3240
Last Updated: 7/15/24