College of Law

Career Compass: A Map for Your Legal Career in Criminal Law

Criminal law is perhaps the most fundamental aspect of a legal system. It sets forth the basic code of conduct for society, and the penalties for failure to comply with that code. Criminal law also establishes the procedural protections that defendants must be afforded before the government can deprive them of life, liberty, or property. Toledo Law has a strong tradition of preparing attorneys for practice in this critical field, whether as prosecutors, defense counsel, or judges.


Courses required for a J.D. degree are marked with an asterisk (*) below.

Core Curriculum:
Criminal Law*
Criminal Procedure – Investigations
Criminal Procedure – Adjudications

Specialty Courses:
Advanced Topics in Criminal Law
Juvenile Law
Public Service Externship in a criminal law setting
Trial Practice

Other Student Opportunities


Last Updated: 7/15/24