Bioinformatics Program

applications of bioinformatics course

UToledo course #: BIPG 6400/8400 - 3 cr
No Prerequisites: It is not required, but recommended that students take BIPG5100/7100 Fundamentals in BPG

Offered: Spring semester.  Lectures online.

Course director:  Dr. Alexei Fedorov, Dept. of Medicine, Vice Director BPG Program, Director of Bioinformatics Lab, (419) 383-5270, alexei.fedorov@utoledo.eduDr. Fedorov's lab site can be viewed here.

Summary: In this final course of BPG program students will be familiarized with the most advanced computational techniques, programs and databases used at the frontiers of biomedical sciences. Advanced applications will be covered in four broad areas: new bioinformatic tools, genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics.

Grading: The course grade will be determined entirely by performance on projects assigned and graded by each instructor (please see course syllabus at the link below for complete details).

Instruction: The course is team-taught by faculty from The University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University, and all lectures are posted online.

Text: No textbooks are required. Students will work with the information/instructions provided online.

After completion of the Applications in BPG course, please click on the above link, print out the Evaluation Form, complete and return anonymously to:

Heather Buska
BPG Program
3105G CCE

FULL COURSE SYLLABUS (PDF format) can be found here.
STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES (SLO's) for Applications in Bioinformatics can be found here

Last Updated: 7/15/24