Research Project Center
Research quick links
The Department of Medicine Research Project Center provides comprehensive research support services at each level of the research process, from preliminary ideas to funded research to closeout. Sponsored research is conducted as a college and department function. Research Project Center staff are available to directly provide needed services or facilitate referrals to individuals within the institution when appropriate.
The University of Toledo Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) is responsible for submitting to funding agencies proposals requesting support for research and other scholarly projects. Resulting awards are made to RSP, which administers them on behalf of faculty and staff at the University of Toledo. Research Project Center staff work with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and Grants Accounting on a regular basis and will support faculty members in this process.
Meet the Research project Center team
Research news and events
Join us on the 4th Thursday of each month at 8:00 a.m. for the Department of Medicine
Research Grand Rounds.
Next Conference: December 19, 2024.
The University of Toledo is now offering the Medicaid Care Experience Simulation project to help frontline health care providers combat health disparities, reduce implicit biases, and improve the care of patients insured through Medicaid.
The Department of Medicine hosts weekly Research in Progress Updates. Join us to learn about the latest research.
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The 4th Annual Department of Medicine Research Symposium was held on Thursday, October 31, 2024. This event included an address from our keynote speaker, Matthias Kretzler, MD, from The University of Michigan.
2024 Research Symposium Program2023 Research Symposium Program
UToledo has teamed up with six of Ohio's medical schools to improve cardiovascular health and diabetes mellitus outcomes and eliminate disparities in Ohio's Medicaid population. Cardi-OH (Lance Dworkin, MD - PI) and the Ohio Diabetes Consortium is a group of health care professionals who identify, produce, and disseminate evidence-based cardiovascular best practices to primary care teams through monthly newsletters and online resources. Support this collaborative by registering at the Cardi-OH website at
Capsules provide busy clinicians brief summaries of best practices that are ready to be implemented in clinical care.Read All Capsules
Podcasts highlight national, state, and local leaders discussingtimely topics for primary care clinicians.
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Team Best Practices
Experts research and disseminate best practices for primary care providers to use in clinical care.
Learn more about research at The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences: