MSBS-Medical sciences Program Academic Standards
A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (four-point grading system) in the MSBS-Medical Sciences coursework is required for graduation.
Students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 during any semester will be placed on academic probation. A student on academic probation will have one semester to meet the cumulative GPA standard. A student failing to meet the standard will be subject to dismissal.
A grade of C is the minimum passing grade to earn the corresponding course credit hours. Any course in which a grade below “C” or grade of “F” (for P/F courses) was earned cannot be used to fulfill graduation requirements. Grades of below “C” will continue to be counted in calculating the cumulative grade point average.
Students in the MSBS-Medical Sciences program are expected to graduate within the three semester term (fall-spring-summer) of duration of the program’s curriculum. Course retakes are allowed up to a maximum of two courses and no more than a total of 12 credit hours. Both the original and repeated grades will appear on the transcript and will be calculated into the cumulative GPA.
Grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F, P, WP, WF will be awarded depending on the specific courses. The grading scale will be explained by course directors in the course syllabus. When applicable, a grade of P is allowed for credit toward graduation but is not computed in the grade point average. The grade of IN is assigned only under extraordinary circumstances when unexpected events prevent a student from completing the course requirements within the term of enrollment. The student must complete the required work before the end of the immediately following semester (excluding summers) in which the IN grade was received; otherwise, the grade will be converted to the grade of F by the Office of the Registrar. The student is responsible for initiating any request for an additional semester to complete the work for the grade (excluding summer). The extension is granted upon the approval of the faculty, program director and the Associate Dean of COMLS Graduate Programs. Once the IN grade has been converted to F, the grade of F will be computed towards the grade point average.
Students may not graduate with a grade of IN on their transcript. A grade of WP (withdrawal passing) or WF (withdrawal failing), according to the status of the student at the time of withdrawal, will be assigned to students who withdraw after the university-established withdrawal period at the discretion of the instructor. Students with a grade of WF will not earn credits for the course and will not be able to graduate. The grade of WP will not be included in the GPA calculation. A grade of WF indicates unsatisfactory work (grade of less than C) and is included in the GPA calculation as a grade of F.