General Advice
Important Policies | MyUT Account | Financial Aid and Tuition | Academics | Miscellaneous
- Medical students are physicians-in-training, and thus are held to the highest standards of professionalism. Students must be thoughtful and professional in verbal, written and electronic communications. When interacting with patients and their families, faculty, staff and colleagues the medical student must deal with professional, staff and peer members of the health team in a cooperative and considerate manner. The University of Toledo College of Medicine Professionalism Policy can be found here.
Medical Student Honor Code
- Acknowledging that a physician is expected to adhere to the highest standards of honesty,
integrity, and professionalism, we, the medical students of The University of Toledo
College of Medicine, will neither cheat, deceive, nor exploit others, or tolerate
those who do.
- Additional information regarding the Medical Student Honor Code System and Procedures can be found here.
Mental Health
- In 2017, the American Medical Association declared physician burnout a public health crisis that needs to be addressed. As medical students we must commit to the de-stigmatization of mental health conversations and treatment.
- Make an appointment at Student Mental Health and Wellness Services by calling 419.383.3815. More information is available at the Mental Health Services website.
- UToledo student-developed UIM Local Therapist Resource Sheet
MyUT Account
Student Health Insurance
- Student health insurance is automatically billed to your account and insurance cards are mailed to your address. To waive go to MyUT → My Registration Steps → Health Insurance - Enroll, Change or Waive. Additional information about Student Health Insurance is located here.
- Students may qualify for Medicaid.
UToledo Student Health Services
- Located in the Basement of Ruppert Health Center on the Health Science Campus. Student Health Services information is located here.
- In order to obtain immunization/vaccination records go to MyUT → My Other Resources → Update Personal Information → Individual Immunization Compliance Report
Academic and Personal Information
- In order to update address, phone number and emergency contact information visit MyUT → My Other Resources → Update Personal Information
- In order to establish residency in the State of Ohio information contained in the following websites is required
financial aid and tuition
Tuition and Fees
- Estimated cost information is provided from the Financial Aid Officer in an email at the beginning of each academic year. For information, contact the Student Service Center, located on the first floor of Mulford Library, or via email:
- Tuition and fees are typically due 10 days prior to the first day of the semester. For assessment of late fees check the schedule here.
Financial Aid
- Information about applying for and accepting financial aid is available at MyUT →
My Financial Aid
- To request additional loan money or return loan money contact the Student Service Center on the Health Science Campus
- Sign up for Direct Deposit by visiting MyUT → My Accounts → Direct Deposit Authorization
- Financial Aid Entrance Counseling and Exit Counseling
- These counseling programs are designed to help borrowers understand the responsibilities and obligations for taking out student loans and information to prepare for repaying federal student loans.
- The counseling is available on the website.
- The Financial Aid Director for the Health Science Campus is Anne Yeager. She can be reached at the following email:
- Multiple scholarships are available to University of Toledo College of Medicine students. Visit the Scholarship Search website and enter the appropriate criteria.
- You will also be notified of scholarships via email, be proactive and start completing applications early when information from the financial aid office is initially sent out.
the academic enrichment center (AEC)
Location: Mulford Annex 029
- The Academic Enrichment Center provides comprehensive services to address the holistic learner by cultivating relationships, building community, and empowering future Health Science professionals to reach their highest potential through personalized academic and wellness support services.
- The AEC is committed to meeting the needs and being accessible to medical students. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please contact the AEC Director
- Resources provided by the AEC include:
- Academic Coaching: Learning Specialists, professional educators with expertise in adult learning theory and student development theory provide personalized academic coaching to elevate student academic success and meet academic goals. You can walk-in or schedule here for an in-person or virtual appointment.
- Wellness Coaching: Wellness coaching focuses on supporting you as a student and future health care provider by providing a safe and confidential space to discuss life issues, such as friends, family, struggles, fears, and accomplishments with a certified Wellness Coach and educator. You can walk-in or schedule here for an in-person or virtual appointment.
- Peer Support: Peer leaders provide group review, drop-in and individual tutoring throughout the curriculum. Information regarding dates and times of sessions are located on the Academic Enrichment Center webpage.
Visit the AEC website for more information
Academic Calendar
- Visit the respective year on the MD Curriculum Page for Academic Calendar and Important Dates
- Paper notes are not provided. You are given a printing allowance of 1200 pages per semester.
- To obtain Health Science Campus door access visit MyUT → My Other Resources → Request Door Access for HSC Proxy Card
- In order to obtain a parking permit visit MyUT → My Registration Steps → Request/Update Parking Permit
- Photo IDs can be picked up in the basement of Mulford Library Room 007
- Locate the emails of fellow students, professors and physicians with the University Directory