Research Associate Professor: Kristin Kirschbaum, Ph.D.
Director, CNSM Instrumentation Center
Office: BO 200A
Phone: (419) 530-7847
Fax: (419) 530-4033
Professional Background:
Staatsexamen (Chemistry, Math), 1986 WWU Münster, Germany
Ph.D. 1990, WWU Münster, Germany
Postdoctoral Fellow 1990-1991, University of Toledo
Research Assistant Professor, 1992-1998, University of Toledo
Research Associate Professor, 1998-Present, University of Toledo
A&S Instrumentation Center Director, 2006-2008, University of Toledo
Research Synopsis:
Interests include structural chemistry and single crystal X-ray diffraction methods,
e.g. twinning, crystallography at liquid He temperature or high pressure, and crystallography
of nanoparticles.