Undergraduate Links
A number of internships are available. The following sites are a place to start looking.
What can you do with a degree in mathematics or statistics?
CareerCast.com has offered the following rankings:
- Data Scientist #1 Best Job of 2019 (median salary: $114,520)
- Statistician #2 Best Job of 2019 (median salary: $84,760)
- Mathematician #8 Best Job of 2019 (median salary: $84,760)
- Actuary #10 Best Job of 2019 (median salary: $101,560)
Applied Mathematics
Actuarial Science
Fellowships and Research Programs
And if you want to get involved in teaching and/or in research ...
Graduate Programs
And, if you would like to continue your Mathematical or Statistical studies in graduate school ...Department Resources
- An overview of the Undergraduate Programs in mathematics.
- The UToledo Undergraduate Catalog of mathematics courses.
- A description of mathematics scholarships.
- The mathematics Scholarship Application.
- Math Tutoring at the Learning Enhancement Center schedule. This is the place to go for free tutoring.
- A description of the Wente Torus.
University Resources
These University links may come in handy ...
- The UToledo Division of Student Success hosts many pages having information of use to students.
- The Learning Enhancement Center (LEC) website.
- UToledo Testing Services.
- The Writing Center website.
- The complete UToledo class schedule.
- The complete UToledo catalog.
- UToledo final exam schedule.
- The UToledo (Carlson) library website.
- The UToledo's Center for International Studies and Programs.
Miscellaneous Resources
And, a few links to other sites ...
- Putnam competition.
- Putnam archive of past exams.