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Institutional rEsearch dashboards & data reSources


Public Dashboards & Reports

  • Common Data Set

    • The Common Data Set (CDS) is a collaborative effort among the higher education community and publishers, as represented by the College Board, Peterson’s Guides, and U.S. News & World Report. Data are presented in the same “common” format used by most institutions of higher education to facilitate comparisons among institutions. It includes data on enrollment, persistence, graduation rates, undergraduate admissions, incoming freshmen, academic offerings, student life, policies, expenses, financial aid, instructional faculty, class size, student-to-faculty ratio, and degrees awarded.
  • Facts at a glance dashboard

    • Student: Headcount, FTE, Gender, Age, Full/Part-Time Status & Residency by Level & Fall Term
    • Degrees & Programs: Number of Degrees & Academic Programs by Level
    • Employee: Headcount, Gender by Faculty, Staff & GAs
    • Finance: Change in Net Position, Total Assets, Endowment & # of Living Alumni by Year
    • Student Success: First-Year Retention, ACT and 6-Year Graduation Rates by Fall Entering Cohort
  • Graduate Employment Outcomes Dashboards

    • These dashboards cover 96% of all employment in the United States and provide employment earnings for all Ohio public institutions by degree level, degree field and graduation cohort
  • Institutional Data Report

    • Includes basic information about the university, enrollment, student characteristics, student life and financial aid, faculty and staff, finance, research, alumni, and facilities


Dashboards Requiring UTAD NETWORK LOGIN 

  • Census Enrollment (Power BI)

    • Description: Undergraduate and graduate headcount and FTE counts and percentages by term (fall, spring or summer) for past 10 years by gender, Pell status, first generation status, college, enrollment status, enrollment population, residency, campus residency, rank, learning modality, high school or undergraduate GPA, age, state of address, and country of origin
    • Filters: Year, term, college, department, degree, primary major, primary concentration, enrollment status, gender, residency, age, Pell status, first generation status, degree-seeking status, term attempted hours, learning modality, rank, cumulative GPA, transfer/high school/undergraduate GPA, enrollment population, first time status, math preparedness, English preparedness, campus residency, country of origin, disability status, veteran status, athlete/sport, and honors
  • First Destination Survey

    • Description: Survey given to graduating students at all degree levels to collect data pertaining to their immediate career or continuing education plans. The survey content, timeline and procedures align with guidelines published by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE).
    • Filters: Graduation term, degree level, college, major, honors, gender, work authorization
  • Program Dashboard (Power BI)

    • Description: Undergraduate and Graduate program performance over 5 years, covering admits, enrollment, completions, and persistence rates along with insights into IPEDS completion and labor market data, providing a comprehensive view of program outcomes and workforce trends.
    • Filters: Program code, description, college, degree level, degree, major, 100% online indicator, aid eligibility, CIP.
  • Student Success Dashboard (Power BI)

    • Description: Undergraduate re-enrollment, graduation and persistence headcount and percentages over 8 years by cohort term (fall or spring) for past 10 years by gender, Pell status, first generation status, college, enrollment status, enrollment population, residency, campus residency, rank, learning modality, high school or undergraduate GPA, age, and country of origin
    • Filters: Term, college, department, degree, primary major, primary concentration, enrollment status, gender, residency, age, Pell status, first generation status, degree-seeking status, term attempted hours, learning modality, rank, cumulative GPA, transfer/high school/undergraduate GPA, enrollment population, first time status, math preparedness, English preparedness, campus residency, country of origin, disability status, veteran status, athlete/sport, and honors

DashboardS Requiring Access request & UTAD NETWORK LOGIN

(Click here for access request steps)

  • Census Enrollment Restricted (Power BI)

    • Description: Undergraduate and graduate headcount and FTE counts and percentages by term (fall, spring or summer) for past 10 years by gender, ethnicity, URM status, Pell status, first generation status, college, enrollment status, enrollment population, residency, campus residency, rank, learning modality, high school or undergraduate GPA, age, state of address, and country of origin
    • Filters: Year, term, college, department, degree, primary major, primary concentration, enrollment status, gender, ethnicity, residency, age, URM status, Pell status, first generation status, degree-seeking status, term attempted hours, learning modality, rank, cumulative GPA, transfer/high school/undergraduate GPA, enrollment population, first time status, math preparedness, English preparedness, campus residency, country of origin, disability status, veteran status, athlete/sport, and honors
  • Course Enrollment (Power BI)

    • Description: Course enrollment, grade distribution, and DFW rates for the past five academic years by groups such as college, high school GPA, instructor etc. Includes metrics on course efficiency such as total enrollment, number of sections, average enrollment per section, section capacity, average section fill rates, and proportion of sections with enrollments below specified thresholds.
    • Filters: Term, course college, course level, subject, course id, course title, modality, schedule type, core course indicators, instructor profiles, student college, major, student level, rank, first time status, enrollment status, gender, ethnicity, residency, age, Pell status, first generation status, high school GPA etc.
  • Degrees Awarded_SS

    • Description: Count of Degrees and Certificates Awarded by Level & Degree Category
    • Filters: Term, Level, College, Department, Major
    • Dimensions: Award Category, College, Degree, Dept., Gender, Major, Pell Award Indicator, Race/Ethnicity, URM, Term
  • Delaware

    • Description: Student FTE, Credit Hours, Instructional FTE, Student-Faculty Ratio, Organized Course Sections, Cost per Credit Hour, Research Expenditures, Public Service Expenditure, Total Expenditures for Instruction by Department and Fiscal Year vs. Peer Institutions in same Carnegie class
  • DFW

    • Description: List of enrollment, total credit hours, grade distributions, and DFW counts/rates by section with instructional method and instructor
    • Chart: DFW rates by Pell status with filters for Term, College, Dept., Course Level, Course ID, Course Modality, Instructor, Section and Major
  • Employees

    • Video demo
    • Description: Count and list of employees by Org3, Employee Class and Year
    • Filters: Year, Org3, Employee Class
    • Dimensions: Full/Part-Time Status, Gender, Org6, Rank, Tenure, Org3, Employee Class
  • Induced Matrix

    • Description: A matrix and several ratios of credit hours generated and instructed between all colleges. The dashboard also contains year-over-year trends for generated and instructed credit hours.
    • Filters: Academic year, terms, student level, college
  • Non-Enrolled Students

    • Description: List of currently-enrolled students who have not yet registered for the next upcoming term, including student college, department, degree, major, concentration, ID name, level, class rank, hold status, current GPA, total earned hours, current attempted hours, contact information, registration eligibility date, and assigned advisor and success coach
    • Filters: Level, class rank, college, department and exclusions for probation, graduation, CCP/NDU, holds and students leaving UT
  • Program Level Data

    • Description: Count of full-time students who are new to the program, 1-year program retention rates of students who are new to the program (not necessarily new to the University), number of new first-time full-time degree-seeking students (FTFTDS), FTFTDS 1-year retention rates, graduation rates (4-, 5-, and 6-year rates), number of applicants/admits/enrollments for firsttime & transfer students by program and fall term along with average high school GPA and ACT composite score, undergraduate GPA, GRE
    • Filters: Academic year, college, student level, department, program
  • Program Persistence Flow (Power BI)

    • Description: Longitudinal tracking of first-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students' progression over a span of 6 years within their respective colleges and specific majors/programs
    • Filters: Academic term, enrollment status, degree, concentration, gender, Pell status, first generation status, residency, high school GPA
  • Section Net Revenue

    • Description: Net tuition revenue of courses before salary and operational costs are applied. The dashboard also contains year-over-year trends for total expenditures, generated credit hours, and expenditures per section.
    • Filters: Year, term, college, department, subject, course
  • Six-Year Graduation Projection

    • Description: Projected 6-year graduation rate by First-Time, Full-Time Baccalaureate-Degree-Seeking Cohort based on actual graduation, applied for graduation, and completed credit hours
    • Filters: College
  • Student Success Restricted Dashboard (Power BI)

    • Description: Undergraduate re-enrollment, graduation and persistence headcount and percentages over 8 years by cohort term (fall or spring) for past 10 years by gender, ethnicity, URM status, Pell status, first generation status, college, enrollment status, enrollment population, residency, campus residency, rank, learning modality, high school or undergraduate GPA, age, and country of origin
    • Filters: Term, college, department, degree, primary major, primary concentration, enrollment status, gender, residency, age, ethnicity, URM status, Pell status, first generation status, degree-seeking status, term attempted hours, learning modality, rank, cumulative GPA, transfer/high school/undergraduate GPA, enrollment population, first time status, math preparedness, English preparedness, campus residency, country of origin, disability status, veteran status, athlete/sport, and honors

* Dimensions are fields available in Argos dashboards to pull into rows or columns in the report, depending on what you want to see and how you want it displayed


Last Updated: 7/16/24