Ethics & Core Values
The University of Toledo is a community dedicated to excellence in teaching and the pursuit, generation, dissemination, and application of knowledge. At the same time, the University is committed to maintaining an environment marked by honesty, integrity and truth. As such, all members of the University community are expected to adhere to standards of ethical conduct, as prescribed by Ohio Ethics Law and documented in policy #3364-25-18 – Conflict of Interest and Nepotism.
Additionally, as faculty and staff of The University of Toledo, it is our responsibility to conduct our activities with the highest standards of conduct in mind, as documented in policy #3364-25-01 – Standards of Conduct. This requires our personal commitment to the University's core values.
You are expected to report allegations of business ethics lapses through your organizational chain of command, without fear of retaliation. Should this not be possible or feasible, the University has established an Anonymous Reporting Line that is staffed by a third-party firm so that you may self-report without disclosing your identity. Alternately, the State of Ohio has established a Reporting Fraud Hotline to report business ethics lapses that span multiple State agencies.
An additional resource that is available to employees is the University's Standards of Ethical Conduct. The Standards of Ethical Conduct enumerate University principles of general ethical conduct and apply to all members of the UToledo community, including the Board of Trustees, faculty and other academic personnel, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, agents and others associated with UToledo. These Standards are supported by specific UToledo policies.