Research and Sponsored Programs

New Faculty Orientation for Research

Research at UToledo

Welcome to The University of Toledo! This orientation will help guide you through the process of establishing your research program at UToledo.

You will need to log-in with your UTAD username and password when you click on your first talk. After that, you should be able to move through the talks.

New Faculty Orientation | July 2020
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
Frank J. Calzonetti, Ph.D. - Vice President for Research


Frank J. Calzonetti, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research

Connie Schall, Ph.D. - Associate Vice President for Research

Starting Your Research in a COVID Environment

Constance Schall, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Research

Eva English, MA - Manager, Proposal Development

Advancing Your Research Program - Research Proposal Preparation

Eva English, MA
Manager, Proposal Development

Rick Francis, Ph.D.

Advancing Your Research Program - Using SPIN to Find External Funding & UToledo's Seed Grant Programs (URFO)

Rick Francis, Ph.D.
Director, Research Advancement and Information Systems


Working with Research & Sponsored Programs for Grant Proposal Submission


 After You Get a Grant: What Grants Accounting Does

Laura Hallauer
Director, Grants Accounting

Kashif Haque, M.D., M.S. - Patent Technology Associate

Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property: Introduction

Kashif Haque, M.D., M.S.
Patent Technology Associate

Kashif Haque, MD, MS - Patent Technology Associate

Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property: Material Transfer Between Institutions

Kashif Haque, M.D., M.S.
Patent Technology Associate


Human Subjects Research Across Disciplines


Animal Research and Biosafety

 Norm Rapino, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Rocket Innovations

Faculty Outreach

Norm Rapino, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Rocket Innovations


Business Incubator

Additional assistance can be found on our Research Foundations web page.

Last Updated: 7/15/24