PRIMOS is a program designed for first-year Latino students at UToledo. Primos's priority is to help students with the transition from high school to college by pairing them with peer mentors. Mentors coach and inform new students about university resources, enabling them to become successful. Contact the Office of Multicultural Student Success, at 419.530.2261 to find out more about the program.
Participants will receive financial support for conference registration, leadership and diversity training, and priority for scholarship and other campus development opportunities.
TIOS is designed is to help upper-class Latino students ease the transition from college to post-graduation through professional mentorship from the UToledo Latino Alumni Affiliate. Students will be paired with alumni within the affiliate and meet with them throughout the academic year.
- Have upper-class status (90 credit hours or more completed or in process)
- Be able to meet with mentor off-campus if needed