Research Activities: Neil Reid
Current Research
I am currently working on a number of projects most of which deal, in some shape or form, with local and regional economic development. Most of this work is collaborative in nature and has involved working with researchers in other parts of the United States as well as in Italy and Mexico.
The American Craft Brewing Industry
Since 2014, much of my research has focused on changes taking place in the American brewing industry, with a particular focus on the emergence of craft breweries. I have been especially interested in understanding (a) the spatial dynamics of craft breweries, and (b) their impact on urban neighborhoods. My work has examined spatial patterns of craft breweries at both the inter-metropolitan and intra-urban scales. It has also examined how craft breweries can be community assets at the neighborhood level. This line of research has examined the practice of adaptive reuse of abandoned buildings by craft breweries, the role of craft breweries as neighborhood gathering spots (Third Places), and the impact of craft breweries on residential real estate values and crime rates. This work has been conducted in collaboration with a number of researchers including Thomas Bell (University of Tennessee), Michael Carroll (University of North Texas), Margaret Gripshover (Western Kentucky University), Isabelle Nilsson (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), Julie Wartell (University of California, San Diego), and Yang Zhou (University of North Texas).
The Mexican Brewing Industry
This is a new project, examining the changing economic geography of the brewing industry in Mexico. Unlike my work in the United States, this project focuses on large macro brewers. The project is especially interested in identifying changes that have occurred in the geography of the Mexican brewing industry as a result of NAFTA and the factors propelling the success of Mexican beer exports to the United States. My collaborators on this project are Rafael Garduno Rivera (Universidad Panamerica, Mexico) and Haoying Wang (New Mexico Tech).
The De-peripheralization of Peripheral Areas
Peripheral areas are places that are geographically isolated which, as a result, face a number of socio-economic challenges including lack of adequate access to basic services such as education and healthcare, out-migration of young people, and an aging population. My foray into this line of research began in 2018 when I co-edited a special section of the journal Regional Science Policy and Practice on the theme of Local Entrepreneurship and Tourism Development in Peripheral Areas between Policies and Practices. This was followed up, in 2021, with an edited book titled Agritourism, Wine Tourism, and Craft Beer Tourism: Local Responses to Peripherality through Tourism Niches which was published by Routledge. Both the journal special issue and the edited book were done in collaboration with two Italian colleagues, Alessandra Faggian and Maria Giulia Pezzi of the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L’Aquila, Italy. Today, my work in this area continues with two other Italian colleagues – Giulia Urso of the Gran Sasso Science Institute and Luca Storti of the University of Turin. Giulia, Luca, and I are currently co-Guest Editors of a special issue of Regional Science Policy & Practice on the theme of Pathbreaking Trajectories: Socio-economic and Institutional De-peripheralization of Marginal Areas. Much of my work in this area has been conceptual in nature.
Recent Publications
2023, Reid, Neil. Craft breweries as neighborhood assets: Adaptive reuse, neighborhood revitalization, and third places. In Julie Wartell and Vince Vasquez (Eds.). Craft Breweries & Cities. Routledge , 17-26. |
2023, Reid, Neil and Isabelle Nilsson. From mill district to brewery district: Craft beer and the revitalization of Charlotte’s NoDa neighborhood. In Daina Cheyenne Harvey, Ellis Jones, and Nate Chapman (Eds), Beer Places: The Micro-Geographies of Craft Beer. University of Arkansas Press, 71-92. |
2022, Reid, Neil, Margaret Gripshover, and Thomas L. Bell. Meeting the challenge of COVID-19: How American craft breweries responded. In Stanley D. Brunn and Donna Gilbreath (Eds.). COVID-19 and an Emerging World of Ad Hoc Geographies, Springer Nature, 1487–1513. |
2022, Apardian, Rebekka, Isabelle Nilsson, Neil Reid, and Julie Wartell. The role of neighborhood characteristics for firm performance in the experience economy: A case study of production volumes in California’s Brewpub industry. Journal of Urban Management, 11(2): 214-225. |
2022, Storti, Luca, Giulia Urso, and Neil Reid (Eds.). Economies, Institutions, and Territories: Dissecting Nexuses. Routledge, 332pp. |
2013, Shetty,Sujata and Neil Reid. Global Challenges and Local Responses: Creating a New Urban World in the Shrinking Cities of the U.S. Industrial Midwest. Regional Science Policy and Practice (forthcoming). |
2012, Reid, Neil, Jay D. Gatrell, and Paula Ross (eds.). Local Food Systems in Old Industrial Regions: Spatial Context and Local Practices, Aldershot: Ashgate, 260pp. |
2012, Calzonetti, Frank C., Diane Miller, and Neil Reid. : Building both Technology-Intensive and Technology-limited Clusters by Emerging Research Universities: The Toledo Example, Applied Geography, 34, 265-273. | |
2011, Gatrell, Jay D., Neil Reid, and Paula Ross. Local Food Systems, Deserts, and Maps: The Spatial Dynamics and Policy Implications of Food Geography, Applied Geography, 1-2. |
2010, Gatrell, Jay D., Rajiv Thakur, Neil Reid, and Bruce W. Smith. Clusters and “Listening”: Situating Local Economic Development. Journal of Applied Research in Economic Development, 7(1): 14-25. |
2009, Frizado, Joseph, Bruce W. Smith, Michael C. Carroll, and Neil Reid. Impact of Polygon Geometry on the Identification of Economic Clusters. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. 2, 31-44. |
*For more publications, please check my CV.