Department of Geography and Planning

Geography and Planning Club/Gamma Theta Upsilon

Geography and Planning (GAP) Club

The club is open to all geography and planning undergraduate and graduate students as well as other students who might be interested in these disciplines. The purpose is to explore topics and engage in activities related to geography and planning outside of the classroom and in the community.

GAP Club provides the opportunity to connect with students and faculty, to have fun, and to participate actively in the department. It provides students with an outlet for making suggestions to improve their experience in the program. We hold formal meetings once a month in Snyder Memorial (typically in a conference room or classroom on the third floor), and we have a number of events scheduled throughout each semester.

You may also be interested in joining Gamma Theta Upsilon, the international geographic honor society, but it is not a requirement for participating in GAP Club. 

Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU)

GTU was founded at Illinois State University on May 15, 1928. It became a national society, incorporated in Illinois, in 1931. The local chapter, Zeta Xi, was chartered at the University of Toledo in 1981.

GTU is open to all students who have taken at least 3 geography classes and carry a minimum GPA of 3.3 overall and in geography. GTU exists to promote awareness of geography and geography careers and to foster a friendly and scholarly environment among geography students and faculty.

Locally, we try to schedule activities and speakers throughout the year. We are also responsible for planning the fall and spring departmental events. Through GTU, we have the ability to apply for special funding for conference attendance and travel when it is available.

As a GTU member, you will receive a certificate and lapel pin, and may order an honors cord to wear at graduation. You will also receive The Geographical Bulletin semi-annually. GTU is recognized internationally, so it is a great resume booster! For more information about the benefits of GTU, visit its website at

Honors GTUThe Zeta Xi chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU) at the University of Toledo has been recognized as an Honors Chapter for 2014. According to the Second Vice President of GTU, Zeta Xi "is commended not only for the superior scholarship of your geography students but also for planning activities that celebrate and spread the word about geography to your campus and community." 

For any question about GAP Club or GTU, please contact the faculty advisor - Dr. Beth Schlemper

Current Gamma Theta Upsilon Officers 

President Jonathan Phillips
Vice President      Tyler Freeman   
Secretary-Treasurer      Curtis Deeter                 
Historian Tim Kosmyna  

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Last Updated: 7/15/24