Colloquium Series
Bob Moses & the Algebra Project:
Mathematics Literacy for Citizenship in the 21st Century
Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024
3-4 p.m.
University Hall, Room 4620
Speaker: Madeline Muntersbjorn
Associate Professor of Philosophy, UToledo
A MacArthur Foundation Fellow 1982-1987, Moses used his fellowship to begin the Algebra
Project, which uses mathematics as organizing tool for quality education for all children
in America. With support of the National Science Foundation the Algebra Project works
with middle and high school students who previously performed in the lowest quartile
on standardized exams, proposing that they attain a high school math benchmark: graduate
on time in four years, ready to do college math for college credit.
Admission - Free
Visitor Parking -
The Department of Philosophy welcomes all students and faculty to its Colloquium Series.
All events free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.