UToledo Family Business Center

fun photo of event

Join today - you'll be glad you did!

Membership in the Center is open to family and privately-held businesses. Being a member-driven Center has been the foundation of our success.

The UToledo Family Business Center defines a family business as an organization where ownership and or management decisions are influenced by one family with controlling interest. Generally in a family business there are 

1) opportunities to build wealth for the family & future generations;

2) employment/career opportunities for the next generation; and

3) opportunities to express family values.


"One of the best membership benefits is that events are open to anyone in our company, which enables us to send the most relevant person based on the topic. These sessions are extremely informative; in fact, one presentation showed us how to implement a cost-savings strategy that has paid for our membership 10 times over!" Chris Smith, The Fremont Company, member since 2003.

Our members will tell you we are the best, most cost-effective learning and networking opportunity. We have four membership categories - our traditional member, friends of the center, professional service provider registry, and sponsor. The professional service provider registry  is an opportunity for companies that are not family owned to contribute and participate in the center.

  Traditional Member
Friend of the Center
PSP Registry
Access to informational mini-forums and webinars


x x x
Access to informational community-wide forums x x x x
Access to certificate courses x x x x
Participation in applicable leadership groups/roundtables x x        x x
Company link on current member page x x    
Opportunity to serve on center committees x x   x
Opportunity to bring a guest to center events x x        x  x
Participation in Affinity Groups  x  x    
Preferred resource for Affinity Groups and programming        x
Secondary resource for affinity groups and programming   x         x  
One free Affinity Group participant    x    
Invitation to annual donor event    x         x  x
One-year gift membership to a family business of your choice    x  x  x
Premium listing on Family Business Website    x    x
Preferred source for case studies and class projects    x    x
Information listed on professional service provider registry      x  x
Includes friends of the center membership benefits
(if PSP is a true family business)
Seat on the advisory board        x
Rotating seat on all center committees        x
Opportunity to facilitate one mini-forum annually        x
Guaranteed opportunity to participate in FBC podcast        x
Promotion of PSP on social media      x  x
Commitment to actively promoting on social media               x
Logo and link on every FBC Webpage        x
$1,000 is receipted as a gift     x         x  
Full amount receipted as a gift       x

We'd love to meet with you personally, tell you about the Center and learn more about your company. Please contact us at 419.530.4425 or e-mail Angie at Angie.Jones@utoledo.edu to set-up an appointment!


Last Updated: 7/15/24