UToledo Family Business Center

UToledo Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club

The Family Business Student Association (FBSA) launched in January 2017. Center members had been looking for more involvement with students and this gives them an opportunity to speak to up-and-coming working generations about their organizations and what it means to be involved with Family Businesses. In 2022, FBSA rebranded,changing the name to the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Club to expand their focus to include entrepreneurship.

Not only is this organization a Center member benefit, but a student benefit. Students who are a part of the organization now have contact with over 200 surrounding businesses. As a student, you have many questions about entering the working world and this is the best place to get those questions answered and connect, in person, with business members.

Entreprepreneurship and Innovation Club

The purpose is to continue building the Family Business community by recruiting students who come from, plan to join, or intend to start a family business. We provide educational discussions with speakers, facility tours, and networking opportunities. We want students to know the importance of family business in the community.

The main topics we cover but not limited to are resume building, interviews, family relations and business, corporate culture in family versus non-family, transitions between generations and how they grow. We have the following activities:

  • Workshops with family business managers and/or owners to discuss chosen topic
  • Interactive Q&A sessions
  • Tours of organizations with a talk on company history
  • Mock interview opportunities

    For more information contact: Nicholas.Chryst@rockets.utoledo.edu
    To keep up on what EIC is doing, follow them on Instagram


Last Updated: 7/15/24