Business Resources
Here at the UToledo Family Business Center, we strive to do our best to help you succeed. We provided these links to valuable resources that will help take your company to the next level. Whether you’re looking for advice from local business owners or looking to hire a college intern, you’ve come to the right place.
Toledo Region, It Matters Where You Make It
- The Toledo Region Branding Initiative is a long-term plan supported by a collaborative group of organizations in Toledo with the unified goal of supporting and promoting the region. With the help of local businesses throughout the greater Toledo area, we can all help to show how promising the city of Toledo truly is.
- As Toledo’s lead economic development organization, RGP is a privately led organization committed to meeting the needs of businesses, site consultants and corporate real estate professionals in a confidential, innovative and time-sensitive manner.
Toledo Area Small Business Association
- A division of the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Toledo Area Small Business Association is working to enhance and promote a favorable business climate for small businesses in Northwest Ohio. One of TASBA’s goals is to act as an advocate for small-business interests regarding public policy issues.
- StartUp Toledo is a celebration of Toledo’s StartUp community, innovators, entrepreneurs and creatives who are driving the new economic engine of the Toledo Region. They hold monthly meetings for inspiring presentations, networking, and community-building opportunities.
- The EA was formed more than 60 years ago, by local companies for local companies, to address common workplace needs. When you need help answering the tough questions or tackling time-consuming projects, The Employers’ Association (EA) has you covered. Our experts in Human Resource Solutions, Professional Training and Wellness Consulting can meet your needs today.
Leading Through Service. Leadership Toledo connects individuals with the community, engaging and involving them with initiatives that make the Toledo region a great place to live, work, and enjoy. Their mission is driven by the following goals for each of their adult and high school program participants: Lead - Become a more confident leader; Connect - Become more connected to your community; Grow - Grow stronger in self-awareness; Serve - Identify service that is meaningful to you.
University of Toledo
Office of Workforce Development
- The office of Workforce Development supports the coordination of collaborative initiatives between the University and business and industry leaders throughout Northwest Ohio. They ensure Ohio has the educated and trained workforce it needs in the technology-driven, knowledge-based economy of the 21st century.
The Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales
- Established in 2002 at The University of Toledo (Center of Business & Innovation), the Edward H. Schmidt School of Professional Sales (ESSPS) is committed to providing high-quality educational programs to enhance the world of business practices related to professional sales and to continue to be a recognized leader in sales learning, discovery, and engagement.
The Minority Business Development Center
- The University of Toledo Minority Business Development Center offers assistance to minority-owned, early-stage firms. The UTMBDC will help nurture entrepreneurial and economic development in the Toledo community by providing office space, training, mentoring and a network of professional advisors.
UT Center for Family Business Resource Referral Page
- The Resource Referral page enables users to search for local businesses in the greater Toledo area based on the services they provide. The search can be conducted by simply typing in a specific industry or keyword. A list of companies will then populate according to the search criteria.
College of Business and Innovation Student Internship Program
- If you’re in need of a college intern The University of Toledo Center of Business and Innovation has many opportunities. The Business Career Programs office connects students with local and sometimes nationwide companies to complete internships in order to obtain real-world work experience while earning course credit. More than 80 percent of our students participate in at least one internship during their undergraduate education.
College of Engineering Cooperative Education Program
- The University Of Toledo is listed by the "National Commission for Cooperative Education" for its best Cooperative program in the United States. It is one of eight universities in the nation with a mandatory Co-op program. Each student enrolled in the Engineering college is required to complete a minimum of three cooperative work experiences.
Global Business Development Institute
- The Global Business Development Institute (GBDI) is dedicated to strengthening the global competitiveness of firms in the great lakes region through the development of an internationally experienced workforce. The GBDI provides quality student interns possessing a thorough education and the practical experience to help usher new thinking into your global business. The GBDI intern program gives you first access to the most talented young professionals whose ideas will shape the future of international business.
School of Healthcare Business Innovation and Excellence
- The University of Toledo College of Business and Innovation (COBI) in partnership
with the College of Medicine and Life Sciences has taken a leadership role in establishing
the new School of Healthcare Business Innovation and Excellence. Through research,
community engagement, and educational endeavors, this School serves as the premier
resource for directly impacting quality healthcare delivery by applying knowledge
in the areas of information technology, operations and supply chain management, human
resources, leadership development, and more.
- For over a quarter-century, The Family Firm Institute (FFI) has been engaged in educating, connecting, and inspiring professionals who serve family enterprises. FFI is the leading association worldwide for family enterprise professionals and the organization of choice for the advisors, consultants, educators, and researchers who help perpetuate trans-generational family business wealth. In adopting a multidisciplinary and genuinely global perspective, FFI understands family enterprise as a fundamental driver of global economic growth, prosperity, and stability.
Business Scams 101: Common Schemes and How to Avoid Them
A guide for avoiding scams in business, especially the kind that take the form of business-to-business (B2B) interactions. Whether you own a business or are employed by one, this is information you’ll want to review very carefully. You’ll find a list of the scams most often employed by those hoping to swindle companies out of their cash. You’ll also learn about the steps you can take to ensure your business doesn’t become a statistic.