Center for International Studies and Programs

Kohler International Grants

Kohler GRANT

Due to the budgetary impact, the Kohler Grant is no longer being used for individual trips.  Additionally, we are unable to determine if the Kohler grant will be utilized in the same manner in the future.

Please keep in mind if the funds do become available, the Kohler committee will be in contact. Thank you for your patience as we navigate through these unprecedented times.

Contact: Kohler@UToledo.Edu



Foy D. KohlerFoy D. Kohler was a career diplomat who was inspired to enter the Foreign Service by Brand Whitlock. Kohler attended the University of Toledo from 1924 to 1927, but graduated from Ohio State University in 1931. He began his Foreign Service career right after graduation, serving in Canada, Romania, Yugoslavia, and Greece, among other posts. In 1958, as the Cold War was heating up, he became Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs. In this capacity, he coordinated the visit of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev to the United States in 1959, and the subsequent visit to Vice President Richard Nixon to Moscow. It was during this visit that Nixon and Khrushchev had their famous "kitchen debate", which Kohler witnessed. Kohler also advocated for a massive military build-up in Berlin during the crisis that resulted in that city being divided between Communist East Berlin and democratic West Berlin.

In subsequent foreign posts, Kohler dealt with many other crisis situations. His most important diplomatic post was as ambassador to Soviet Union from1962 to 1966, which he assumed just before the near nuclear showdown with Russia known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963, it was up to Kohler to officially convey the news to the Soviet leadership, and to communicate the peaceful transfer of power to Vice President Lyndon Johnson. The ambassador also hosted a memorial service at the American Embassy for the slain president which was attended by all of the Soviet leaders, who signed a memorial book. As ambassador,°he also worked to promote nuclear non-proliferation talks between the United States and the U.S.S.R.

After his Russian post, Kohler was promoted to Career Ambassador, and received the Distinguished Honor Award from the Department of State. He retired and became a consultant and professor at the Center of Advanced International Studies at the University of Miami in Florida.

Last Updated: 7/15/24