University of Toledo


May 13, 2024

Reverse Osmosis Automatic Water Update

Image of a smiling water drop with a thumbs up

DLAR is happy to announce that the reverse osmosis (RO) installation and migration is complete! The rooms with automatic watering, we are now able to live track water flow to our animal racks, room lighting which will allow for verifying the accuracy of our manual light timers, and room temperatures which will provide real time temperature alerts.

We want to thank our wonderful PI’s, researchers, and DLAR staff for their patience and understanding through this process.

Submitting Animal Requisitions & Transfer Forms

Just a reminder, when submitting animal requisition forms and/or transfer forms, please email them to Ashley Kurth at and the DLAR Business Office at It’s important that both receive the forms. For more information on the animal requisition process or animal transfer process select the button below.

Hood/Room Reservations - Accepted vs. Declined

When making a hood/room reservation, you will either receive an ‘Accepted’ or ‘Declined’ email. Read these emails carefully to ensure your reservation is accurate. See the examples to the right.

Image of the hood or room reservation accepted and declined emails

Working After Dark?

Image of bright yellow lightbulb

If working in the animal rooms during the dark cycle(7p-7a EST, 6p-6a DST), please do not use the lights in the hoods as a light source. DLAR provides flashlights in all animal rooms, or you are welcome to use your cell phone flashlight.

If you need to use the hood during the dark cycle, do your best to limit light exposure. If equipped, please use the dimmer or red-light setting on the hood. Procedure space is also available if you require a little more visibility.

If you have any questions on the dimming or red-light settings, please contact Ashley at

previously published announcements

DLAR Announcements - Posted 04/28/2024

DLAR announcements are published using MailChimp via email.

There are no DLAR Announcements at this time.

Animal Vendor Order Holiday Schedule - Posted 10/14/2023

Animal Vendor Order Holiday Schedule

Listed below is the holiday schedule for the DLAR animal vendors.


Charles River Laboratories


Jackson Laboratories



Dec. 25, 2023 & Jan. 1, 2024

Dec. 22, 25, 29 & Jan 1, 2024

Dec. 25, 2023 & Jan. 1, 2024

Dec. 25, 2023 & Jan. 1, 2024


Wed. 12/27/23 & 1/3/2024

Tue. 12/26/2023 & 1/2/2024

Tue. 12/26/2023 & 1/2/2024

Wed. 12/27/23 & 1/3/2024


Noon - Dec. 20, 2023

Noon - Dec. 15, 2023

Noon - Dec. 20, 2023

Noon - Dec. 20, 2023

The DLAR office is closed during winter break and will not be placing animal orders on Thursday, December 28th. Any orders received during that week will be placed on January 4, 2024.

Have a happy and safe holiday!

Health Education Building Roof Replacement - Posted 10/30/2023

Health Education Building Roof Replacement

Image of the health ed guilding floorplan with red and yellow zones for roofing project outlined

Starting this week, 10/30/23, weather dependent, the roof of HEB will be under construction for replacement with the project lasting approximately 7 weeks, again, weather dependent. The roofing material used may generate odors. During this time, there is the possibility for these smells to enter DLAR through our HVAC, specifically air handler A. Air handler A services the west side of the DLAR facility (red outline) and includes animal rooms 024, 025, 026, 027, 036, 037, and procedure rooms 023, 031, 038, 040D, 040F, 041, 043, 044, 045, 046, and 047. Animal housing room 050F is on a different air handler but is directly adjacent to the potentially affected areas (yellow outline).

UToledo Facilities is taking several proactive measures to minimize this possibility and to ensure the health and wellbeing of our research animals. If at any time you detect suspicious smells, please notify DLAR immediately as we will be in constant contact with UToledo Facilities.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding!

New Process and Forms to Order Animals, Transfer Animals or Import/Export Animals - Posted 10/02/2023

new process and forms to order animals, transfer animals or import/export animals

As mentioned in our Fall 2023 Newsletter, effective October 1st, the process to order animals, transfer animals and import/export animals has been changed as a part of our ongoing efforts to update and streamline DLAR processes. All forms will be accessed through a departmental Z drive folder; Z:\DeptLabAnimalResearch. IT has granted access to this folder to all PI's and relevant lab staff. There you will be find a subfolder labeled UTResearchers. Inside you will find additional folders labeled:

  • Animal Import-Export
    Contains the new Import/Export Request form (PDF)
  • Animal Requisitions
    Contains the new Animal Requisition form (PDF) and instructions sheet
  • Animal Transfers
    Contains the Animal Transfer form (PDF) and instructions sheet
  • Supplemental Information
    Contains helpful information that we feel is important for our researchers to have access to.

As a part of this process, we are asking that our researchers do the following:

  • Use the new forms beginning today. The webpages linked above have been updated with instructions on how to access and use the forms.
    • Requests submitted using the old forms will be returned for resubmission and the deadline will still be enforced.
  • You should not be able to save your working copies in the Z drive folders, but as a reminder, please save your forms on your computer and submit to DLAR via email.
  • Many of our new forms now create unique identifiers for tracking purposes so please do not reuse the forms. Use a new, clean form from the Z drive folder with every order, transfer or import/export request.
    • Reused forms will be returned for resubmission.

If the DeptLabAnimalResearch folder is not visible to you or you are unable to access the folder, please contact DLAR at as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the DLAR research experience.

2023 Installation of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Automatic Watering System Timeline Update - Posted 09/15/2023

2023 Installation of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Automatic Watering System Timeline Update

Phase 1 has been completed. Unfortunately, a significant delay has pushed Phase 2’s completion date back 3 weeks. 

Updated Installation Timeline

Phase 2’s new tentative completion date is October 9th. This will impact the start and completion date of Phases 3 and 4. See Phases for revised start and end dates.

Scope: The installation of a new RO automatic watering system in several areas of DLAR (marked Phase 1, 2, and 3) and the update of existing automatic watering lines (marked Phase 4) for compatibility.

Phase 1: August 15 – September 8, 2023


Image of the DLAR floorplan show Phase 1 of the RO Autowatering Installation

UPDATE | Phase 2: september 11th - October 9th


  • Installation of automatic watering lines in rooms 062-072.
  • Installation of 1 control panel in hallway between rooms 062-072 and 053-058.

Rooms Involved
Health Education Building - Rooms 062-072

  • Relocation of rooms will have been completed.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration from multiple days of drilling through concrete walls and ceiling.

  • The animals in rooms 053-058 will be monitored closely for adverse reactions to any noise and/or vibration

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan showing phase 2 of the RO Autowatering Installation

UPDATE | Phase 3: October 9th - October 18th


  • Installation of automatic watering lines in rooms 053-055, 057-058.
  • Installation of control panel in hallway.

Rooms Involved
Health Education Building - Rooms 053-055, 057-058, behavioral rooms 052A-052I

  • All animal/procedure rooms will need to be relocated before installation work can begin.
  • Rooms 052A-052I may be impacted by noise/vibration. When possible, try to plan your behavioral work after 3 pm during the week.
  • Room 056 is included in Phase 4.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration from multiple days of drilling through concrete walls and ceiling.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan showing phase 3 of the RO Autowatering Installation


Phase 4: Aproximate Start Date - October 23, 2023


  • Minor updates to existing automatic watering lines to be compatible with new RO system.
  • Removal of existing control panels.

Rooms Involved:
Health Education Building - Rooms 036, 037, 050F, 051B, 051F, 056

  • 036, 050F, 051B: Removal of control panels
  • All rooms: Minor updates to existing automatic watering lines for compatibility.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration should be very minimal. There is no planned drilling.

Currently, relocation of animals is not needed. The animals in these rooms will be monitored closely for adverse reactions to any noise and/or vibrations.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan showing phase 4 of the RO Autowatering Installation.

Project Completion

Image of the updated DLAR floor plan showing phase 1 of the RO project completed Once Phase 4 is complete, commissioning of the new RO system will occur. Final updates will be provided as needed.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

2023 Installation of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Automatic Watering System - Posted 08/18/2023

2023 Installation of the Reverse Osmosis (RO) Automatic Watering System

Listed below you will find a phase timeline for the installation of a new reverse osmosis automatic watering system in HEB DLAR. This timeline provides tentative dates for all phases of this project and the relocations of animal and procedure rooms in each phase. Please use this timeline to plan accordingly for any of your ongoing or upcoming research projects.

Researchers with animal/procedure rooms in or near Phase’s 1 and 2 have already been contacted and relocation efforts are in effect. The collaborative efforts have been outstanding and we are so appreciative of that! We will be in contact with Phase 3 researchers soon.

It is important to note that Dr. Root and Ashley Kurth observed some of our animals during an approved test drill and they appeared unbothered. Nevertheless, all animals will be monitored closely for the duration of this project.

Our animals and your critical research are our #1 priority. Should you have any questions or concerns, whether you may be affected by the phases or not, please do not hesitate to reach out. All PI’s, their lab managers and/or key lab personnel were notified by email. Please also share this timeline with anyone you feel should be included.

Thank you again for your patience, cooperation, and understanding!

Installation Timeline

The timeline below is subject to change pending research needs and installation delays. Changes to the timeline will be communicated as soon as possible.

Scope: The installation of a new RO automatic watering system in several areas of DLAR (marked Phase 1, 2, and 3) and the update of existing automatic watering lines (marked Phase 4) for compatibility.

Phase 1: August 15 – September 8, 2023


  • Installation of automatic watering lines in rooms 063-073.
  • Installation of 1 control panel in hallway between rooms 063-073 and 062-072.
  • Installation of automatic watering line down the back hall for connections to existing water lines.
    • This installation will take place up in the mezzanine and there is no anticipated noise/vibration.

Rooms Affected
Health Education Building - Rooms 062-072

  • Relocations of these rooms in progress and will be completed before significant drilling takes place.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration from multiple days of drilling through concrete walls and ceiling.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan show Phase 1 of the RO Autowatering Installation

Phase 2: September 11 – 15, 2023  (+1 additional week pending delays)


  • Installation of automatic watering lines in rooms 062-072.
  • Installation of 1 control panel in hallway between rooms 062-072 and 053-058.

Rooms Involved
Health Education Building - Rooms 062-072

  • Relocation of rooms will have been completed.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration from multiple days of drilling through concrete walls and ceiling.

  • The animals in rooms 053-058 will be monitored closely for adverse reactions to any noise and/or vibration

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan showing phase 2 of the RO Autowatering Installation

Phase 3: September 18 - 22, 2023  (+1 additional week pending delays)


  • Installation of automatic watering lines in rooms 053-055, 057-058.
  • Installation of control panel in hallway.

Rooms Involved
Health Education Building - Rooms 053-055, 057-058, behavioral rooms 052A-052I

  • All animal/procedure rooms will need to be relocated before installation work can begin.
  • Rooms 052A-052I may be impacted by noise/vibration. When possible, try to plan your behavioral work after 3 pm during the week.
  • Room 056 is included in Phase 4.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration from multiple days of drilling through concrete walls and ceiling.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan showing phase 3 of the RO Autowatering Installation

Phase 4: September 25 – 29, 2023  (+1 additional week pending delays)


  • Minor updates to existing automatic watering lines to be compatible with new RO system.
  • Removal of existing control panels.

Rooms Involved:
Health Education Building - Rooms 036, 037, 050F, 051B, 051F, 056

  • 036, 050F, 051B: Removal of control panels
  • All rooms: Minor updates to existing automatic watering lines for compatibility.

Potential Concerns
Noise and/or vibration should be very minimal. There is no planned drilling.

Currently, relocation of animals is not needed. The animals in these rooms will be monitored closely for adverse reactions to any noise and/or vibrations.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Image of the DLAR floorplan showing phase 4 of the RO Autowatering Installation.

Project Completion

Image of the DLAR floor plan including all phase of the RO Autowatering InstallationOnce Phase 4 is complete, commissioning of the new RO system will occur. Final updates will be provided as needed.

Ensuring the health and safety of our animals and the integrity of your ongoing research remains our #1 priority.

Your patience, understanding, and cooperation is very much appreciated during this exciting time!

Last Updated: 7/23/24