University of Toledo

Training Requirements and Classes

Getting Started

  1. You must be on an approved IACUC protocol.
    • If you are not on a protocol yet, your Principal Investigator (PI) must add you to the protocol. This can be done by logging into IRB Manager and completing a personnel amendment.
    • The personnel amendment must be approved by the IACUC and your name listed in section B.2 Personnel.
  2. You must have completed all of the required CITI training per the IACUC training requirements guideline.
  3. With your PI, determine what DLAR training is required for your lab. Anyone working with rodents (mice, rats and voles) is required to take DLAR Orientation and Rodent Handling and Restraint. Sign up by logging into Test Bank.
    • In the upper left click on Testing/Training/Tracking.
    • Then click on Class Calendar.  Make sure Dept of Lab Animal Resources is listed towards the top under 'Select a Class Name'.  If not, click the drop down box and select Dept of Lab Animal Resources.
    • If you need rabbit training, please contact Jamie Harris in DLAR.

available dlar classes

dLAR orientation

mandatory for anyone working in the vivarium

This online training provides a basic review of the overall policies and procedures for working in DLAR such as:

  • Proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Security measures
  • DLAR access
  • Facility function
  • DLAR specific processes
  • and more!

Prerequisites required prior to taking this training:


  1. Log in to Test Bank.
  2. Search for DLAR Orientation (1671).
  3. Select, TAKE SELECTED TEST. You must pass this test to complete training.
  4. Be sure to complete and submit your Occupational Health Questionnaire. Do NOT send completed forms to DLAR.

*Annual refresher required.

rodent handling & restraint*

mandatory for anyone using rodents in research

This is a species specific, hands-on training class that covers basic rodent handling, subcutaneous injections, and euthanasia. If you will be working with rats and mice, you must complete BOTH species specific handling and restraint classes. 

Prerequisites required prior to taking this training:

  1. IACUC required CITI training
  2. DLAR Orientation in Test Bank
  3. Handling and restraint in the mouse video
  4. Substance administration video

Sign Up Here

technical procedures

advanced techniques based on what's in your protocol

Training classes are species specific and cover advanced blood collection and injection procedures such as submandibular bleeding, intraperitoneal injections, oral gavage, tail vein injections, tail nick, etc.  You must read your protocol to determine which procedures you need training on. Once you sign up for training, DLAR will contact you to establish the specific training you need. 

Prerequisites required prior to taking this training:

  1. IACUC required CITI training
  2. DLAR Orientation in Test Bank
  3. Rodent Handling and Restraint

Helpful materials to review and reference

  1. JOVE Video on Lab Animal Research
  2. Mouse and Rat Oral Gavage Training Video
  3. Mouse Intraperitoneal Injections
  4. Rat Intraperitoneal Injections
  5. Blood collection guidelines from the IACUC
  6. Tail Vein Injections in Mice

Sign Up Here

isoflurane anesthesia

mandatory for anyone using gas Anesthesia

This session is required for anyone performing isoflurane anesthesia for procedures or surgery on an IACUC protocol. We will cover the setup of the equipment, anesthesia induction and maintenance, monitoring, and post-anesthesia supportive care.

Prerequisites required prior to taking this training:

  1. IACUC required CITI training
  2. DLAR Orientation in Test Bank
  3. Rodent or Rabbit Handling and Restraint
  4. Review the JOVE article Anesthesia Induction and Maintenance

Sign Up Here

aseptic technique & surgery

mandatory for anyone performing surgery on Rodents

This extensive training session covers aseptic technique, instrument preparation, incisions, closure, pre- and post-op care. Only attend if you will be performing or assisting with surgery.  

Prerequisites required prior to taking this training: 

  1. Complete required DLAR training
  2. Watch the videos
  3. Review the information

If you do not complete the below prerequisites, you CANNOT attend this lab.

Sign Up Here

hazard training

mandatory 2 PART training for using biological or chemical hazards.

Part 1, an online training and quiz, and Part 2, an in-person review are required for anyone using Biological or Chemical Hazards in the vivarium.  This 2-part training is a comprehensive review on the policies and procedures for safely working with hazards in animals.

Prerequisites required prior to taking this training:

  1. DLAR Orientation in Test Bank
  2. Rodent Handling and Restraint


Part 1 - Online Training & Test

  1. Log in to Test Bank.
  2. Search for Hazard Training (1686) - must pass quiz

Part 2 - In Person Training in DLAR

  1. Log in to Test Bank.
  2. Search for Hazard Training (79).
  3. Select class. 

 *Annual refresher required for online portion only.

Rodent Breeding

mandatory for anyone approved to breed rodents on their protocol

This on-line training and quiz reviews the fundamentals of mouse and rat reproduction and breeding colony management.


  1. Log in to Test Bank.
  2. Search for Rodent Breeding
  3. Select, TAKE SELECTED TEST. You must pass this test to complete training.

Helpful materials to review and reference

  1. Breeding Packet of helpful information: Breeding Packet
  2. Example of an Excel spreadsheet used for managing a breeding colony.
rodent tumor guidelines

mandatory for anyone performing in vivo tumor experiments on their protocol

This on-line training and quiz reviews the requirements set forth by the IACUC Rodent Tumor Guideline.

  1. Log in to Test Bank.
  2. Search for Rodent Tumor Monitoring Guideline
  3. Select, TAKE SELECTED TEST. You must pass this test to complete training.

Security Access to DLAR

* Your security access to DLAR is Granted after you've COMPLETED THE REQUIRED TRAINING!

  • Required Training = DLAR Orientation + Rodent Handling and Restraint.
  • Health Science Campus
    Health Education Building DLAR access requires an Access Card (aka Proxy Card) in addition to your UToledo ID.  
    • Proxy card requests are made through your personal MyUT portal and are picked up at the HSC Security Office in the basement of Mulford Library. 
    • You must have a proxy card PRIOR to attending your Handling and Restraint course.
  • Main Campus
    Main campus access utilizes your UToledo Rocket ID badge only (no Proxy Card required). Access will only be given to Wolfe Hall and the DLAR facility.
    • If you are using the digital Rocket card on your e-wallet, your swipe access will transfer to your e-wallet ID and will not work with the physical ID card.

Contact the DLAR office at 419.383.4310 for any questions.

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Last Updated: 1/6/25