UToledo Human Resources

Leadership Development Programs

On Demand Virtual Library

Enhance your skills with over 16K+ Expert-Led, Online Video Tutorials with Linked in Learning. Learn anytime, anywhere with courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software and creative topics, there is something for everyone. LinkedIn Learning is free for all staff and faculty at Utoledo. 

Workshops Offered by Training and Organizational Development Team

Registration Form

Crucial Conversations
Gives you the skills to step  into disagreement, rather than over or around it and turn disagreement into dialogue for improved relations and results. Teaches eight powerful skills to help learners develop these vital skills through instruction, application, practice and coaching for lasting improvement.

Succession Planning
Learn techniques to develop a succession plan strategy to minimizes gaps in leadership, ensures the continuity of institutional knowledge, and enables employees to develop the skills necessary for possible future roles. This interactive workshop will show you how to design and implement an effective and flexible succession plan that will help your organization continue to grow. 

Navigating Change Management
Change is constant in any organization; therefore obtaining change management skills has never been more critical. Navigating Change Management will help managers learn techniques to prepare for change, recognize the spectrum of employee reactions, learn how to manage employee uncertainty and identify strategies to implement workplace changes. 

Lean Six Sigma
Participants will learn the principles of Lean Six Sigma, learn how to utilize Lean tools and how to improve processes by eliminating waste.  This program will be led by Dave Cutri, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt.  

Management Operations Workshop
This workshop is intended for managers who have completed New Manager Training and/or veteran managers. Managers will participate in hands-on activities involving employee/ labor relations, job descriptions, interview guides, knowledge transfer, and how to manage and lead. Participant will also gain knowledge on the university budget system and reports. 

Noontime Knowledge

Finding time for professional development can be a challenge. Noontime Knowledge is a sequence of topics to that equip employees with knowledge, skills and overall wellbeing. These trainings will be less than 45 minutes and delivered online. The bi-monthly trainings will be highlighted in the Training and Organizational Development Newsletter to enroll. Do you have a request on a topic you’d like a session on? Reach out to us at Kimberly.Stec@Utoledo.edu

Performance Management: How to Prepare and Conduct a Performance Review
This training is intended for manager/supervisor leaders who prepare and conduct the employee's performance evaluations. Leaders will learn the key components in the performance management cycle and their role and acquire tips for giving effective performance reviews. 

New Manager Training
During this training we will cover important topics related to Performance Management, Manager Best Practices and Human Resources. These trainings are intended for managers to gain valuable knowledge and tools to be successful in their role. New managers enrolled by invitation. If you are interested in learning more about this program please contact Melissa.Auberle@utoledo.edu.

Other Workshops On Campus For Faculty & Staff

Retirement Planning
If you are considering retiring soon or within the next couple of years, there are important factors to consider. The Benefits team will be hosting workshops to provide you with a checklist of items to help you through the process and ensure you have a smooth transition to retirement. Workshop dates are based on faculty or staff. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

Wellness Programs

Leadership Development Series

The Leadership Development Series is designed to empower our current and future leaders with time to learn, practice and share ideas, and gain practical information on how to effectively lead and manage teams. The Leadership Development Series will consist of five in-person sessions, ranging from 2 hours to half-day classes, online preparatory work through the learning management system, and follow-up discussions.  The dates of these training sessions are below and your full participation is expected in each of the sessions.  If you are interested in registering for one of these classes fill out this form.

Fall 2024 Cohort 

Session 1: Series Kickoff and Leadership Styles, August 20, 2024 (3:00pm – 4:30pm) Center for Administrative Support, CA1050
Session 2: Introduction to Crucial Conversation and DEI Dialogue, September 17, 2024 (8:30am – 12:30pm) Center for Administrative Support, CA1050
Session 3: Emotional Intelligence Workshop, October 22, 2024 (3:00pm – 4:30pm) Center for Administrative Support, CA1050 
Session 4: What's Derailing your Department, November 19, 2024 (3:00pm – 4:30pm) Center for Administrative Support, CA1050

For more information, contact Kimberly Fahey, Training & OD Specialist in Human Resources, at kimberly.stec@utoledo.edu.


Learn  .  Empower .  Achieve .  Deliver

The LEAD program provides emerging leaders the opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills, network with leaders and colleagues across campus and create individual career development plans. Participants are nominated by their senior leadership or by an approved self-nomination form, and 25 are selected for each annual cohort.

The Program Includes: 

  • Learning sessions led by institution senior leaders on key topics in higher education and academic healthcare 
  • Executive Coaching utilizing Leadership 360 assessment tool 
  • Earn certificate in Crucial Conversation  
  • Individual mentoring with a selected leader 
  • 1:1 career development coaching  
  • Develop a strategic team project and present to senior leadership 

 Nomination Process: 

Participants are self-nominated or nominated by Vice President and Deans across campus by Monday, October 21, 2024, by 5:00 PM. The Participants are notified by the end of November and the program begins January 2025 and runs through December 2025.  

*While participation in the program does not guarantee promotion or advancement, it prepares colleagues for possible future leadership roles and offers opportunities for personal and professional development. Please be aware that as part of the LEAD program each participant will receive several leadership assessments. The cost of these assessments, $450 per participant, is paid for by the participant’s department. 

Nomination Form

Self-Nomination Form

The LEAD program provides emerging leaders the opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills, network with leaders and colleagues across campus and create individual career development plans. Participants are nominated by their senior leadership or by an approved self-nomination form, and 25 are selected for each annual cohort.

Tools to Manage Your Own Development

Career Path Development Plan
Are you looking for tools to outline the next steps in your career? These tools will first help employees assess their current skills, experiences and personality and then develop an action plan to progress to their next career goal.  Visit the Employee Resources section inside the Employee Toolkit for the Career Path Development Plan material.

Mentorship Program 
“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction." 
Do you have a mentor in mind, but do not know how to get started? The mentorship program allows for employees to take ownership of their own personal and professional development through mentorship. This is a relationship with a more knowledgeable and experienced person that will serve as your mentor to help guide and nurture your professional development and growth.  Visit the Employee Resources section inside the Employee Toolkit for the Mentorship Program material.

More Virtual Professional Development Opportunities

Recommended TED Talks:

Development for You and Your Team(s)

Collaborate with the Training and Organization Development Team for educational services and/or professional development for you and/or your team(s). Fill out a request so we may evaluate your needs and identify an appropriate solution.

  • Training is a short-term learning process in which employees get an opportunity to develop skills, competencies and knowledge in order to meet a concrete goal related to their role or job requirement.

Organizational Development is to help people function better within the organization. It is an educational process which is concerned with the overall growth of the employees. This can include such topics as team building, leadership coaching, continuous improvement, etc.

Last Updated: 9/3/24