UToledo Online

Learner Support

Blackboard Support
Need help with Blackboard? Contact the UToledo Online Help Desk or view our guides for step-by-step instructions. 

UToledo Online Help Desk
Blackboard Student Help Guides
IT Support 
Forgot your UTAD password? Need help accessing virtual labs? Contact the IT Help Desk or see the FAQ page for more information on the technologies supported by IT. 

IT Help Desk
Accessibility Support
We are committed to providing an equitable experience for all students. Contact the Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources for more information. 

Office of Accessibility and Disability Resources

Academic Support
Academic Support encompasses an array of educational strategies to help you succeed, including tutoring, advising, career services, library information, and more. 

Academic Support

Other Student Support
Visit UToledo’s online hub to explore our resources, services, and opportunities for engagement as you navigate your academic journey and life on campus. 

Success & Engagement

How-To Resources
Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about how to navigate every aspect of college life. 

How-To Resources
Last Updated: 7/15/24