

Undergraduates enrolled in the Bioengineering program at the University of Toledo must complete requirements in six different areas in order to graduate. These requirements are:


1. Communication skills, humanities, social sciences, and multicultural issues 
To enhance communication skills and to provide a broad education, students are required to take college composition (ENGL 1110), technical writing (ENGL 2950), and 15 hrs in the humanities, social sciences and multicultural studies.


 2. Basic science and mathematics core courses 
To provide a background in the natural sciences, students are required to take one semester of biology and lab (BIOL 2170 and 2180), inorganic chemistry with labs (CHEM 1230, 1240, 1280, 1290) and calculus-based physics with labs (PHYS 2130 and 2140).

Pre-medicine students are also required to take two semesters of Organic Chemistry with labs (CHEM 2410, 2420, 2460, 2470) and an additional semester of biology with lab (BIOL 3030 and 3040). These courses can be used to satisfy technical elective requirements. See Technical Electives for more details.

Mathematical preparation is provided by two semesters of differential and integral calculus (MATH 1850 and 1860), one semester of multivariable calculus (MATH 2850) and one semester of differential equations (MATH 2860). Refer to the Other Courses page for a listing and description of required basic science and mathematics courses.


3. Engineering core courses 
Students will also learn about the analysis of mechanical structures (CIVE 1150) and the analysis of electrical circuits (EECS 2300) in preparation for required BIOE courses. Refer to the Other Courses page for a listing and description of required engineering core courses.


4. Bioengineering core courses (42 hours): 
The following courses are required for all bioengineering students:

BIOE 1000: Orientation and Introduction to Bioengineering Computer Applications  
Orientation to the University of Toledo, the College of Engineering and the Department of Bioengineering. This course also provides an introduction to the use of graphical design and numerical analysis software required for the solution of bioengineering problems.

BIOE 1010: Professional Development 
Preparation for co-op experiences and full-time employment in industry. Topics include resume writing, interviewing skills, and issues relevant to employees of biomedical industries.

BIOE 1200: Introduction to Applications for Bioengineering 
This course provides an introduction to the biomechanical and bioelectrical aspects of Bioengineering.

BIOE 1410: Freshman Design & Innovation I

Basic concepts for biomedical device design and development and incorporating entrepreneurial mindset in freshman bioengineering students using team- and project-based learning experiences.

BIOE 1420: Freshman Design & Innovation II

Continuation of team- and project-based learning experiences from BIOE 1410.


BIOE 2100: Bioengineering Thermodynamics 
The study of how biological systems utilize, convert and store chemical energy required for various biological processes.

BIOE 2200: Biomaterials 
An examination of materials currently used in medicine, and the considerations for the development of new materials for use in medicine and biology.

BIOE 3110: Introduction to Biomechanics 
The mechanical properties of human musculoskeletal system and its joints, and applications toward common problems in orthopedic medicine.

BIOE 3300: Biomedical Electronics 
Combined lecture and laboratory course to study the function and design of electrical devices utilized in medicine and biology.

BIOE 3400: Biotransport Phenomena 
The study of how fluids and other substances are transported with biological systems.

BIOE 3500: Bioprocessing Laboratory 
Laboratory-based course that introduces the use of genetically-engineering cells for manufacturing processes used by biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.

BIOE 4100: Physiology for Bioengineers 
The study of how various organs perform their function. Topics include nerve, muscle, circulatory, respiratory, renal and digestive function.

BIOE 4120: Biosignal Processing 
Lecture course to examine the function and theory behind the design of instrumentation for acquiring and processing clinical signals such as EKG, EMG and EEG.

BIOE 4140: Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory 
Laboratory course to design instrumentation for acquiring and processing clinical signals such as EKG, EMG and EEG.

BIOE 4300: Biomedical Quality Control 
Statistical methods for the design, testing and manufacturing of medical devices; the application of statistical methods to quality systems and process validation.

BIOE 4410: Bioengineering Design Project I 
First semester of a two semester design capstone course in which teams of senior bioengineering students design a marketable product for use in medicine or biology.

BIOE 4420: Bioengineering Design Project II 
Second semester of a two semester design capstone course in which teams of senior bioengineering students design a marketable product for use in medicine or biology.

BIOE 4750: Experimental Methods of Biomechanics

This course provides students with experience in experimental techniques used in orthopedics and in the study of the musculoskeletal system including mechanical testing of different materials, experimental and analytical methods for stress analysis, strain gages, methods used in human motion analysis to include motion capture, force pressure plates and electromyography. Students will learn to analyze human motion by capturing movements of their choice and will then conduct a biomechanical analysis to quantitatively describe their capture movements.


5. Technical electives 
To gain expertise in a specific bioengineering discipline, students are required to select and complete an elective track sequence to satisfy the BSBE program requirements. See Technical Electives and Elective Sequences for more details. This consists of completing a series of five technical electives (15 hours) in engineering, mathematics, or the natural sciences.  These must include two technical electives that are BIOE 4XXX level courses.  To satisfy the track completion requirement, a minimum of three courses (9 hours) must be completed within the selected track category. The remaining two elective courses (6 hours) may be completed within any of the track categories.  


6. A minimum of three semester-long co-op experiences 
All bioengineering students are required to complete a minimum of three semester-long co-op experiences in biomedical industry or research. Please see the Co-op Program and Co-op Program Requirements for more details.


Last Updated: 7/15/24