Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EECS 1030 - Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering

Credits/Contact Hours

3 credits/110 minutes (1.83 hours) classroom contact per week, plus 2.5 hours of lab contact per week.


EECS 1030: Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering (Customized e-book through ZyBooks)

Course Information

Orientation to the University, college and departmental facilities, procedures and methodologies available to the student for the academic journey.  Introduction to fundamental topics in electrical engineering, engineering design and problem solving. 

Prerequisite: None.  Required course for CSE/CS majors.

Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to …  

  1. Understand what an algorithm is, and how to express algorithms in pseudocode. 
  2. Understand the difference between O(n) and O(n2) runtimes. 
  3. Be able to apply the fundamentals of Java to produce simple programmatic solutions to problems, using: 
    1. Variables and literals 
    2. Operators and expressions 
    3. Conditionals (if/then, if/then/else, switch) 
    4. Loops (pre-test and post-test) 
    5. Strings and character processing 
  4. Effectively use a modern IDE to develop, test, debug, and document their code.
  5. Understand the differences between source and machine code, and the compilation process. 
  6. Understand the professional, ethical, legal, security and social impact and implication of computing. 
  7. Adjust to life at college, as well as understand student-related university, college and departmental policies and procedures. 
  8. Apply MATLAB coding techniques to the solution of simple engineering problems. 


As a prerequisite for the next course in the CSE program (EECS 1510, Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming in Java), it specifically covers:

  • The use of various Integrated Development Environments (IDE) to create programs
  • Literals, Variables and Expressions
  • Fundamental data types (integer, floating point, Boolean, and character) and Strings
  • Operators (Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical) and Expressions
  • Conditional programming constructs: if/then, if/then/else, and switch
  • Loops (while, do…while, and for)
  • Calling methods, passing them parameters, and (optionally) receiving a return value
  • Arrays (one- and two-dimensional)


Last Updated: 7/15/24