EECS 1510 - Intro. to Object Oriented Programming Course Syllabus
Credits/Contact Hours
4 credit hours (3 hrs lecture and 140 minute lab)
Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures Comprehensive Version 12th Ed. by Y.D. Liang, Pearson, 2020.
Course Information
Introduces the basics of programming using the Java language. Covers number types,
objects, methods, control structures, vectors, files, and inheritance. Utilizes the
Java platform to develop GUI interfaces.
Prerequisites: EECS 1030
Required Course for CSE
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
The students will be able to:
- Use Eclipse as an IDE.
- Take a problem and develop the structures to represent objects and the algorithms to perform operations. (major)
- Apply standards and principles to write truly readable code.
- Test a program and, if necessary, find mistakes in the program and correct them.
- Learn the fundamentals of input and output using the library.
- Design a class that serves as a program module or package.
- Understand and demonstrate the concepts of object-oriented design, polymorphism, information hiding, and inheritance.
- Develop applications using simple graphical user interfaces.
- Become familiar with some of the common classes available in the Java language
- Methods
- Single-Dimensional Arrays
- Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Objects and Classes
- Object-Oriented Thinking
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Exception Handling and Text I/O
- Abstract Classes and Interfaces
- JavaFX Basics
- Event-Driven Programming and Animations
- JavaFX UI Controls and Multimedia
- Binary I/O