Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EECS 2000 - Professional Development Course Syllabus

Credits/Contact Hours
1 credit/55 minutes (0.92 hours) classroom contact per week.
None. Required access to Blackboard, GradLeaders, Linkedin, and Career Fair Plus.
Course Information
Preparation for entry to the professions of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering, including ethics and social responsibilities, employment practices, continuing education and professional registration.
Prerequisite: None
Required for CSE and EE majors
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
The student will be able to:

  1. Develop an effective resume.
  2. Conduct themselves professionally and effectively in a job Interview.
  3. Understand how to conduct themselves professionally in a work environment
  4. Understand modern issues in privacy.
  5. Understand the pertinent aspects of intellectual property.
  6.  Uunderstand the fundamental issues in developing a business plan.
  7.  Develop an appreciation of professional registration and life- long learning.
  8.  Recognize and adopt a professional code of ethics which will govern their actions as engineers.
  9. Identify contemporary regional, national, or global socio- economic problems that may confront engineers during the course of their professional careers.


  1. Introductions and Co-Op Rules
  2. Resumes 
  3. Accountability 
  4. Company Research and the Career Fair
  5.  Interview Skills
  6. Advising, Flowcharts and Co-op Plans
  7.  Student and Employer Panels. 
  8. Ethics and Privacy
  9.  Intellectual Property
  10.  KEEN Professionalism 
  11. Title IX 
  12. Lifelong Learning / Career Building / Grad School.
Last Updated: 7/15/24