EECS 3220 - Electric Circuits II Course Syllabus
Credits/Contact Hours
3 credit hours & two 75-minute lecture contact hours per week.
A.R. Hambley, “Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications,” 7th edition, Pearson 2014, ISBN: 0-13-311664-6
Course Information
Advanced topics including three-phase systems, magnetically-coupled systems, resonance
and second-order systems, Laplace transform circuit analysis, Fourier series for periodic
waveforms and applications to electric circuits, ideal filters, system modeling and
two-port networks.
Prerequisite: EECS 2300; Corequisite: EECS 3210
Required course for EE
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
The students will be able to:
- Analyze a three-phase power circuit
- Differentiate between real, reactive, and apparent power
- Convert a time-domain signal into its corresponding phasor-domain representation
- Solve first and second order differential equations
- Recognize and analyze various filtering circuits
- Transient and steady-state response of RL and RC circuits.
- Transient and steady-state response of RLC circuits.
- Three phase circuits and power.
- Frequency response.
- Resonance.
- Laplace domain circuit analysis.
- Circuit application of Fourier series.
- Magnetically coupled circuits.
- Two-port networks.