Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EECS 3220 - Electric Circuits II Course Syllabus

Credits/Contact Hours
3 credit hours & two 75-minute lecture contact hours per week.


A.R. Hambley, “Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications,” 7th edition, Pearson 2014, ISBN:  0-13-311664-6 

Course Information
Advanced topics including three-phase systems, magnetically-coupled systems, resonance and second-order systems, Laplace transform circuit analysis, Fourier series for periodic waveforms and applications to electric circuits, ideal filters, system modeling and two-port networks.
Prerequisite: EECS 2300; Corequisite: EECS 3210
Required course for EE

Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

The students will be able to: 

  1. Analyze a three-phase power circuit 
  2. Differentiate between real, reactive, and apparent power 
  3. Convert a time-domain signal into its corresponding phasor-domain representation 
  4. Solve first and second order differential equations 
  5. Recognize and analyze various filtering circuits 


  1. Transient and steady-state response of RL and RC circuits. 
  2. Transient and steady-state response of RLC circuits.  
  3. Three phase circuits and power.  
  4. Frequency response.  
  5. Resonance.  
  6. Laplace domain circuit analysis.  
  7. Circuit application of Fourier series.  
  8. Magnetically coupled circuits.  
  9. Two-port networks. 
Last Updated: 7/15/24