EECS 3440 - Electronics Lab Course Syllabus
Credits/Contact Hours
1 credit hour and 2.5 hours of contact per week.
"Electronics Lab II," rev. 2, January 2002, R. King, ed. (lab manual). Available on-line
(without the component data sheets), or from bookstore. The manual from EECS 3400
lab is supplemental; students will have this from the prereq course.
Course Information
This course is designed to apply knowledge of analog electronics to a hands-on laboratory experience. SPICE is used to simulate analog circuits, assemble and make performance measurements on analog circuits, perform hand-worked analytical analysis of these circuits, and write formal laboratory reports summarizing the results obtained, and discussing the correlation between the analytical predictions and the observed behaviors.
Prerequisite: EECS 3400 & EECS 3420
Required course for EE students
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
The student will be able to:
1. Experimentally measure incremental gains and resistances of analog amplifiers at
2. Experimentally measure and plot frequency response curves of analog amplifiers.
3. Produce a written lab report in a standard format, which includes a brief discussion
of relevant theory.
4. Make meaningful evaluations of the degree of experimental correlation with the
results of SPICE simulations and/or calculations based upon simplified models.
5. Correctly use the basic analog laboratory instruments.
1. SPICE Modeling the '741 Op-Amp
2. 741 Op-Amp Circuits
3. SPICE Simulation of a JFET Common-Source Amplifier
4. JFET Common-Source Amplifier
5. Small-Signal CC and CB Amplifiers
6. Bypass and Coupling Capacitor Effects
7. BJT High-Frequency Performance
8. Differential Amplifiers
9. Complementary-Symmetry Push-Pull Amplifier
10. Negative Feedback
11. Voltage Regulators
12. Wien Bridge Oscillator