EECS 4200 - Feedback Control Systems Course Syllabus
Credits/Contact Hours
3 credit hours & three 50-minute lecture contact hours per week.
Instructor's Name
Dr. Richard G. Molyet
R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop, "Modern Control Systems," Pearson Prentice Hall, 13th edition,
Course Information
Feedback methods for the control of dynamic systems. Topics include: modeling, characteristics
and performance of feedback systems, stability, root locus and frequency response
methods and computer simulation.
Prerequisite: EECS 3220
Required for EE majors
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
The student will be able to
1. Formulate mathematical models for linear, time-invariant electrical, mechanical
and electromechanical systems.
2. Construct block diagram and signal flow graph representations of linear, time-invariant
3. Reduce block diagram and signal flow graph representations to a single transfer
4. Determine applications of closed loop systems.
5. Analyze and design control system specifications in the time domain.
6. Determine the stability of control systems.
7. Determine the relation between characteristic equation root location and control
system performance.
8. Analyze the frequency response characteristics of a control system.
9. Apply feedback control techniques to contemporary automatic control systems.
10. Use MATLAB and Simulink to analyze open and closed loop control systems.
1. Introduction to Control Systems
2. Mathematical Models
3. Block Diagrams/Signal Flow Graphs
4. State Variable Representation
5. Feedback System Characteristics
6. Performance of Feedback Systems
7. Stability of Linear Feedback Systems
8. Root Locus Method
9. Frequency Response Methods