Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

EECS 4360 - Communication Systems Course Syllabus

Credits/Contact Hours
3 credit hours and 3 contact hours (Engineering Topics).  


Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications, Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, Wiley, 2nd Ed, 2007 (ISBN:0-471-43222-9). 

Course Information

  1. Brief description of the content of the course (catalog description): Fourier transform applications in signal analysis and communication. Signal spectra, filtering, AM and FM modulation, noise and optimum receiver, sampling theorem, multiplexing, PCM, introduction to digital modulators and demodulators. 
  2. Prerequisites or co-requisites: EECS 3300 for level undergraduate with minimum grade D-.  
  3. Indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in the program: required  

Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

  1. specific outcomes of instruction (e.g. The student will be able to): 
  1. Determine the spectral contents of time-domain signal in frequency domain by applying Fourier analysis. 
  2. Describe and analyze the mathematical techniques of generation, transmission and reception of analog modulation signal. 
  3. Convert analog signal to digital format using sampling and quantization techniques. 
  4. Describe and analyze the methods of transmission of digital data using baseband and carrier modulation techniques. 
  5. Evaluate the performance of digital data transmission in the presence of additive Gaussian noise. 
  6. Simulate the communication system behavior using MATLAB and analyze its performance by interpreting the data. 
  7. Identify the needed information for the project, examine source for the information, determine an appropriate source and apply the information.  
  8. Solve an engineering problem in a professional and ethical manner while considering its global, economic, environmental and social effect.  

b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course: EAC Outcomes #1, 4, 6 and 7. 

1. Fourier Representation of Signal and Systems
2. Amplitude Modulation.
3. Angle Modulation
4. Pulse Modulation
5. Digital Band-Pass Modulation
6. Noise in Analog Communications
7. Noise in Digital Communications

Last Updated: 7/15/24