EECS 4360 - Communication Systems Course Syllabus
Credits/Contact Hours
3 credit hours and 3 contact hours (Engineering Topics).
Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications, Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, Wiley, 2nd Ed, 2007 (ISBN:0-471-43222-9).
Course Information
- Brief description of the content of the course (catalog description): Fourier transform applications in signal analysis and communication. Signal spectra, filtering, AM and FM modulation, noise and optimum receiver, sampling theorem, multiplexing, PCM, introduction to digital modulators and demodulators.
- Prerequisites or co-requisites: EECS 3300 for level undergraduate with minimum grade D-.
- Indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in the program: required
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
- specific outcomes of instruction (e.g. The student will be able to):
- Determine the spectral contents of time-domain signal in frequency domain by applying Fourier analysis.
- Describe and analyze the mathematical techniques of generation, transmission and reception of analog modulation signal.
- Convert analog signal to digital format using sampling and quantization techniques.
- Describe and analyze the methods of transmission of digital data using baseband and carrier modulation techniques.
- Evaluate the performance of digital data transmission in the presence of additive Gaussian noise.
- Simulate the communication system behavior using MATLAB and analyze its performance by interpreting the data.
- Identify the needed information for the project, examine source for the information, determine an appropriate source and apply the information.
- Solve an engineering problem in a professional and ethical manner while considering its global, economic, environmental and social effect.
b. explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course: EAC Outcomes #1, 4, 6 and 7.
1. Fourier Representation of Signal and Systems
2. Amplitude Modulation.
3. Angle Modulation
4. Pulse Modulation
5. Digital Band-Pass Modulation
6. Noise in Analog Communications
7. Noise in Digital Communications