EECS 4380 - Digital Signal Processing Course Syllabus
Credits/Contact Hours
3 credit hours and 3 contact hours (Engineering Topics).
Discrete -Time Signal Processing, Alan V. Oppenheim and Ronald W. Schafer, Prentice-Hall, 3rd Edition, 2010 (ISBN-10:0-13-198842-5).
Course Information
- Brief description of the content of the course (catalog description): Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), discrete convolution and correlation, Fast Fourier transform (FFT) and its applications, design of IIR and FIR digital filters, multi-rate/channel digital systems, decimation, and interpolation.
- Prerequisites or co-requisites: EECS 3210 for level undergraduate with minimum grade D-.
- Indicate whether a required, elective, or selected elective (as per Table 5-1) course in the program: Elective
Specific Goals - Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
- Specific outcomes of instruction (e.g. The student will be able to):
- Understand basic discrete-time systems, linearity, linear time-invariance, stability, impulse response, and discrete convolution.
- Implement discrete time systems, recursive and non-recurse realizations.
- Perform Z transform and finding the inverse Z transform including its properties.
- Understand frequency analysis of both continuous and discrete signals.
- Understand frequency response of linear time invariant (LTI) systems.
- Understand discrete Fourier transform, its properties, and applications.
- Design digital filters both FIR, IIR filters.
- Understand of multi-rate signal processing.
b.explicitly indicate which of the student outcomes listed in Criterion 3 or any other outcomes are addressed by the course: None.
Introduction to discrete-time signal processing, discrete -time signals and systems, sampling of continuous signal, up/down sampling, multi-rate signal processing, FIR and IIR filters design, discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and discrete Fourier series (DFS), fast Fourier transform (FFT).