Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


The research in communications and communications systems involves modeling, simulation and performance analysis of communication systems, mobile/satellite system architecture, and network and payload design. Work also involves on tactical communication network, digital video/audio/multimedia broadcasting, advanced channel coding using FEC codes including turbo code and LDPC codes.


  • Mobile wireless sensor networks
  • Satellite communication
  • Process control
  • Real-time control
  • Optimal control
  • Neural networks
students specializing in communications take classes such as

REquired core COURSES

Wireless and Mobile Networks

Modern Communications I

Modern Communications II

Recommended COURSES

Communication Systems

Information Theory and Coding

Digital Signal Processing

Random Signals and Optimal Filters



Dr. Junghwan Kim (Communications Leader)

Dr. Junghwan Kim’s research is in the areas of modeling and performance analysis of on-board processing satellite system and its architecture, anti-jamming techniques and spread spectrum system, cellular and mobile wireless network, advanced channel coding, multimedia broadcasting and physical layer (PHY)–based encryption.

Dr. Ezzatollah Salari

Dr. Ezzatollah Salari’s current research is in the areas of pattern recognition, neural networks, and machine learning involving convolutional neural network, deep learning, generative models, GANs, SVM and random forests in a variety of image processing applications.

Last Updated: 7/15/24