Materials, Devices, Electromagnetics, and Plasma (MDEP)
The research of the MDEP group focuses on a blend of electrical engineering and applied/engineering physics topics that exploit electromagnetics, photonics, plasma and semiconductor basics, as well as atomic and molecular scale phenomena in developing next generation of solid-state materials and devices, plasma-based devices and systems, and microwave and RF electronics. The research targets the growing demand for renewable/alternative energy, electrical energy conversion and storage, reconfigurable devices and systems for emerging wireless applications and communications, photovoltaics, solid-state lighting, sensors, low-power electronics, and harsh environments capable electronics.
Current and past MDEP research projects have been funded by NSF, NASA, OFRN, DOD, DOE as well as industry sources.
students specializing in mdep take classes such as
required core courses
Microwave Electronics
Compound Semiconductors and Devices
recommended courses
Image Analysis and Computer Vision
Power Electronics 1
Modern Communications I
Modern Communications II
Advanced Power Electronics
Plasma in Engineering and Science
Faculty members
Dr. Daniel Georgiev (MDEP Leader)
Dr. Daniel Georgiev’s research interests are in the areas of electronic materials and device fabrication, laser processing of materials, glassy semiconductors, magnetic materials, and device modeling.
Dr. Abbas Semnani
Dr. Abbas Semnani’s research interests are in the areas of low-temperature plasma and plasma metamaterials, tunable antenna arrays, reconfigurable RF electronics, applied and computational electromagnetics, high-power microwaves, inverse scattering, RF nanotechnology and plasma physics.
Dr. Raghav Khanna
Dr. Raghav Khanna’s research interests are in the areas of modeling and characterization of wide bandgap semiconductors for improved performance of next generation power electronic circuits, and in renewable energy integration.