University Libraries

Collections & Connects - Vol. I, No. 4, September 08



<<  Volume I, Issue 4                September 2008

 Spotlight: The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections

Entrance sign for Ward M. Canaday Center for Special CollectionsThe Canaday Center:

The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections, located on the fifth floor of the William S. Carlson Library, houses the University’s archives, manuscripts, and rare book collections.  These collections are preserved in a secure, climate-controlled environment, and are made available to researchers upon request. Construction of the Center, which opened in 1979, was made possible by a gift from Mrs. Doreen Canaday Spitzer in honor of her father. 

Inaddition to collecting and preserving its unique resources, the Center holds two exhibits each year.  One is a major, original exhibit highlighting one or more of its collections.  Another is the University Authors and Artists exhibit, which spotlights the publications and artwork produced by University faculty during the prior year.  

Ward M. Canaday:

Ward M. Canaday was a Toledo industrialist and senior executive officer of Willys-Overland Corporation.  He was interested in literature, art, and antiquities, loved books and libraries, and served as president of the Friends of The University of Toledo Library for nearly 40 years

The Mission:

The Ward M. Canaday Center for Special Collections collects, preserves, and makes available the historical records of The University of Toledo, as well as individuals, organizations, and businesses important to the history of Toledo and northwest Ohio.

What’s new at the Canaday Center?

Currently members of the Canaday Center’s staff are putting the final touches on its latest exhibit entitled “From Institutions to Independence:  A History of People with Disabilities in Northwest Ohio.”  This exhibit will explore disability history in our community using materials that make up the Regional Disability History Archive, as well as items borrowed from other disability-related organizations and individuals in northwest Ohio.  The Regional Disability History Archive was started shortly after the creation of the University’s Disability Studies Program in 2001, in order to support the research efforts of students and faculty.  Coinciding with the exhibit will be a lecture series that will feature experts in various aspects of disability history, and an original play performed by Broadway actor Jeremy Lawrence.

The exhibit is scheduled to open September 23, 2008, and will run through February 2009.  For more information on the exhibit, contact the Canaday Center at 419-530-4480.

metal mask and leather restraintsMask & leather restraints:

This protective mask was custom-fashioned for a patient at the Toledo State Hospital who had a disorder known as Pica, which caused him to eat non-nutritive and sometimes dangerous materials.        

Physical restraints such as these leather straps were used only when absolutely necessary in order to prevent a patient from harming himself or herself, or others.

Wooden wheelchairWheelchair:

This child-sized wheelchair was made by the Gendron Wheel Company in Perrysburg, Ohio, and probably dates from the 1940s.

Carlson Library Wins Grant

The University of Toledo Women & Philanthropy organization recently awarded the Carlson Library $15,000 for the purpose of commissioning a glass sculpture by Toledo artist Tom McGlauchlin to be placed in the main concourse area.  Plans are underway to unveil the new sculpture at a ceremony in late October.  It is the intention of the Carlson Library that exposing students to this sculpture will raise awareness and appreciation of the importance of art in their everyday lives.  Be on the lookout for more information regarding this event in the near future.

Alice Ohlinger Weaver Honors Seminar Room

Mark your calendars now to attend the dedication ceremony to name the Honors Seminar Room in the Ward M. Canaday Center in recognition of long time UT Librarian Alice Ohlinger Weaver at 3:00 P.M. on Friday, October 10, 2008.  Alice’s daughters, S. Elizabeth Weaver, Constance Weaver and Caroline Weaver Steward, have pledged $150,000 to create an endowment in memory of their mother which will assist in developing the local history and literature collection of the Canaday Center and to make such a collection accessible through the latest technologies.  All are welcome to come and celebrate this generous gift to The University of Toledo.


--Friends of the University of Toledo Libraries to Reconvene Later this Fall--

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This issue was written by Jim Waite, Director of Development, Co-Editors: Kimberly Brownlee, Manuscripts Librarian and Alice Crosetto, Coordinator of Collection Development. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24