University Libraries

University Libraries Mission, Vision, & Policies

The University Libraries brings together several university libraries under a single entity to provide students access to the tools of learning. 

Mission Statement (what we do)

The mission of the University Libraries is to drive academic excellence and promote life-long learning and discovery.

The University Libraries provide a diverse, inclusive and collaborative environment, as we contribute to student and research success, fostering an informed citizenry through innovative, creative education, services, and resources.

Vision Statement (what we're aiming for)

The University Libraries will have an increasing influence in the success of The University of Toledo through equitable access to services, inclusive spaces, and unique collections.

We are committed to the university's goals of academic excellence, enriching the community, and creating positive experiences for all, while upholding the principles of academic and intellectual freedom.

Annual report

Our most recent Annual Report (2016) is available.

Strategic Plan

The most recent Strategic Planning document (2012) for the college is available.

How we're Organized

Please see our Organization Chart (as of January 2018).


Please see our University Libraries Assessment page for more information about how we assess our effectiveness.


Giving to the University Libraries

If you are interested in helping University Libraries and Academic Support accomplish its mission and achieve its strategic goals, please consider how you might give back.  See our Giving page, where you can learn more about opportunities to give in-kind gifts, fund endowments, or other naming opportunities. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24