Sleep Medicine Fellowship Program

Curriculum: Clinical Activity

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Falzone interprofessional clinic photo

To develop into a well-rounded sleep medicine physician, the fellow will have various one-month rotations including otolaryngology, pulmonary (inpatient), neurology, and psychiatry. Integrated into all rotations is a longitudinal ambulatory sleep clinic experience in the form of the fellow’s half-day continuity clinic as well as other outpatient adult sleep clinics, pediatric sleep clinics, and behavioral sleep medicine clinics throughout the year. In the behavioral sleep medicine clinic, the fellow will receive training in cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), brief behavioral treatment for insomnia (BBTI), chronotherapy, and CPAP desensitization. The fellow’s sleep medicine continuity clinic is at the multidisciplinary University of Toledo Comprehensive Medical Practice located in the ProMedica Toledo Hospital Medical Complex.

Falcone Center exterior

Additional adult sleep medicine clinics are held at ProMedica Flower Hospital. Pediatric sleep medicine clinics are held at ProMedica Russell J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital. Inpatient sleep consultations will be completed during the pulmonary rotation with the pulmonary medicine consult service at ProMedica Toledo Hospital, a level I trauma center and the largest acute care facility in the Toledo area with 794 beds.

ProMedica Toledo Hospital exterior

ProMedica Russell J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital exterior

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Last Updated: 7/15/24