Internal Medicine Residency Program



Core-Curriculum series are designed based on the:

  • American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) blue print objectives.
  • Harrison's Textbook
  • Educational Objectives of the last 5 years of the In-Training exam.

At least 80 major topics are designated as Core. Didactic time is protected on a weekly basis for 2 hours. Additional protected time includes Noon Conferences, Clinical Case Conferences, Grand Rounds, and Journal Clubs for 1 hour Monday-Friday.

Monthly Test

Rationale for the monthly test:

  • Quantifying medical knowledge competency using more than one objective method.
  • Used for promotion (Cannot use ITE alone).
  • Dynamic vs. ITE (once a year). Allows changes in the curriculum at different times rather than waiting a year for the ITE results.

National In-Training Exam (ITE)

The In-Training is offered in late August-September of each year and is administered by The American College of Physicians. In 2014, the Internal Medicine Residency scored at the 90th percentile of all Internal Medicine Residency Programs in the nation, ranking us in the top 10th percentile of all programs. 

American College of Physicians (ACP) Board Review

Every year, all residents attend lectures by faculty based on Board-prep material provided by the American College of Physicians. These lectures are held from January - April of every year. Additionally, PGY3 residents are excused from all clinical duties for one full week in May of every year to attend an in-house Board Review lectures based on Board-prep material provided by the ACP.


 Blood Transfusions Types, Indications and Complications
 Anticoagulation Therapy (Indications, complications, reverse)
 Blood Transfusions Types, Indications and Complications
 Cancer Genetics
 Head and Neck Cancers
 Hypercoagulable Status
 Multiple Myeloma and Paraproteinemia
 Oncologic emergency tumor lysis syndrome
 Paraneoplastic Syndrome
 Prostate Cancer
 Shock 1(Cause)
 Shock 2 (Treatment)
 Testicular Cancer
 TTT and ITP
 Community Acquired Pneumonia and Legionella
 Evaluate a hospitalized febrile pt. Ex: Meningitis
 Fever of Unknown Origin
 HIV (Diagnosis, HART, Complications and Treatment
 HIV (Diagnosis, HART, Complications and Treatment
 Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
 HSV-1, 2 and Encephalitis
 Infectious Diarrhea (Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter)(
 Infectious Endocarditis
 Neutropenic Fever
 STD, PID and Syphilis
 Systemic Fungal Infection
 TB and MAI ( Diagnosis and Treatment)
 Traveler Medicine an Immunizations
 Viral Chemotherapy, Influenza and Avian Flu
 Zoster and Papilloma Virus
 Acute Coronary Sydrome/AMI
 Aortic Dissection
 Supraventricular Arrhythmia
 A-V Conduction Abnormalities (Indications for Pacer and AICD)
 Valvular Heart diseases
 Congenital Diseases, Antibiotics Prophylaxis
 DVT/ Post Phlebitic Syndrome (dx, indication, ivc filter)
 Pericardial Disease
 PVD and Carotid Artery Diseases
 Valvular Diseases and Rheumatic Fever
 Ventricular Arrhythmia
 Cardiogenic Shock
 Chronic Cough
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
 Disorders of Ventilation ( RLD and Hypoventilation)
 Hypersensitivity Pneumonia
 Hypertensive emergency
 Lung Abscess and Bronchiectasis
 Pleural Effusion
 Pneumoconiosis (Asbestos, Silicosis, Beryllium)
 Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
 Pulmonary Embolism
 Respiratory Failure
 Septic Shock
 Acid Base Disorders
 Acute Renal Failure
 Chronic Renal Failure
 Fluid and Electrolyte Disorders
 Hypertensive Emmergency
 Interstitial Renal Diseases
 Nephrolithiasis and Obstructive Uropathy
 Acute Abdominal Pain
 Acute pancreatitis 
 Crohn's Disease
 GI Bleeding
 Hepatic Encephalopathy 
 Liver Cirrhosis
 Peptic Ulcer Disease
 Tropical Sprue, Celiac Sprue, Whipple and Chronic Pancreatitis
 Viral Hepatitis (Serology Interpretation)
 Dermatologic Emergencies
 Osteoarthritis, Gout and Pseudo-Gout
 Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases
 Sjogren's, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Behcet's
 DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis)
 Addison's and Cushing's
 Calcium Abnormalities
 DM I and II
 Lipid Abnormalities
 Pheo and Conn's
 Pituitary Diseases, Hypogonadism and PCOD
 SIADH, DI and Cerebral Salt Waisting Syndrome
 Sodium Abnormalities
 CN Disorders
 cont. Acute spinal cord syndrome
 CVA - Stroke team
 Depression and Bipolar
 Depression and Bipolar
 Diabetic Neuropathy ( Myelopathies, neuropathies, peripheral and autonomic)
 DT and Alcoholism 
 Facial n. Palsy and Trigeminal n. Palsy
 Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
 Guillan-Barre, chronic relapsing
 Meningioma, Retinoblastoma, Glioblastoma Multiforme
 Multiple Sclerosis
 Myasthenia Gravis, NMJ Diseases
 NPH, Benign Intracranial Hypertension)
 Presenting Eval. of a pt w/ Altered Mental Status
 Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders
 Status Epileptitcus
General Internal Medicine
 Allergic Emergencies/anaphylactic
 Ambulatory lecture-documentation/communication
 Chief Academic Officer Program Specific meeting
 Domestic Violence
 Drug Allergy
 Duty Hours
 Healthcare Economics (needs Powerpoint Projector)
 Hormonal Replacement Therapy
 How to present journal club
 Joints Aspiration
 Journal Club
 LP Procedure)
 Otitis (Media and Externa) Hearing Impairment
 Pharmacy-Medical Errors
 Pre-Op Evaluation
 Procedure: Central Line
 Psych. Pharmacology
 Screening (GI, Eyes, Lungs, Stress Tests)
 Smoking Cessation and Health Consequences
 Common Eye Disorders
 Glaucoma and Cataracts
Last Updated: 7/15/24