Internal Medicine Residency Program

Resident Salary and Benefits

UToledo Graduate Medical Education BEnefits
Find GME benefits and salary information for the University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences.

Internal Medicine Residency-specifc benefits

PGY 1: 3 weeks (15 Customary working days)
PGY 2/3: 4 weeks (20 Customary working days)

Scholarly Presentation Allowance 
1 week conference time, see coordinator for details

Sick Leave
15 days allowed annually, with pay.
Maternity/Paternity leave

Educational Funds
PGY 1 - $500
PGY 2/3 - Each year residents receive $750 Educational Fund.

Residents are provided with 1 white coat, a fleece jacket, and 1 pair of personalized scrubs. Lab Coats will be laundered without charge.

Meal cards are provided for all Internal Medicine residents at UTMC and Toledo Hospital each month. Each resident receives 1,200 meal card allowance for the year.

For specific information about the residency contract and institutional policies, visit the Office of Graduate Medical Education Web site.

Residency Home  Program Description  Primary Care Track
How to Apply  Current Residents  Graduating Residents

Last Updated: 7/15/24