Graduate Medical Education

Welcome incoming residents and fellows

The Graduate Medical Education (GME) Office is delighted to welcome you and your families to The University of Toledo.  We are excited to have you participate in your residency education at The University of Toledo and we are here to assist you with settling into your internship/residency program.

Please make certain that you complete all the required paperwork and submit to the GME Office in order to have a smooth and timely transition.  If you have any questions, our office staff is available to assist you.

On behalf of The University of Toledo, we congratulate you on your accomplishments to date and welcome you to campus.

Shaza Aouthmany, M.D.

Shaza Aouthmany, M.D.

Associate Dean, Office of GME
Designated Institutional Official (DIO)
Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine

Melissa Crisp

Melissa Crisp, C-TAGME

Program Manager, Office of Graduate Medical Education
Training Program Liaison, ECFMG


Last Updated: 7/15/24