Obstetrics & Gynecology Electives
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- UroGynecology Elective - ProMedica (OBGY 728)
- Labor and Delivery Nights (OBGY 704)
- Gynecologic Oncology (OBGY 716)
Acting Internship Electives
- Benign Gynecology & Obstetrics Acting Internship - Riverside Methodist (OBGY 712)
- Gynecology Oncology Acting Internship- Cleveland Clinic Akron General (OBGY 731)
- Gynecologic Oncology Acting Internship (OBGY 711)
- Gynecology Oncology Acting Internship - Riverside Methodist (OBGY 734)
- Maternal-Fetal Medicine Acting Internship - ProMedica Toledo Hospital (OBGY 717)
- Maternal Fetal Medicine Acting Internship - Riverside Methodist (OBGY 735)
- General Obstetrics and Gynecology Acting Internship - Cleveland Clinic Akron General (OBGY 708)
- Urogynecology Acting Internship - ProMedica Toledo Hospital, Flower Hospital, and Parkway Surgery Center (OBGY 724)
- Urogynecology Acting Internship - Cleveland Clinic Akron General (OBGY 732)
- Urogynecology Acting Internship - Riverside Methodist (OBGY 733)
- High Risk OB Acting Internship - Cleveland Clinic Akron General (OBGY 723)