College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Mission and Principles


Section 1. The Faculty of The University of Toledo’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics seek to build and disseminate foundational and applicable knowledge through excellence in teaching, research and discovery, and community engagement; foster the advancement of science, mathematics and technology locally, regionally and globally; and serve as a transformative force within a diverse, interdisciplinary and collaborative educational environment for improving our world through science and mathematics.


Section 2. The Faculty of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics will adhere to the following principles:
  • Contribute to a broad based education for UToledo students, as the basis of good citizenship and strong participatory democracy.
  • Create and disseminate knowledge by engaging the professional regional and global communities.
  • Fulfill its role in shared governance.
  • Protect academic freedom. This is essential to search for truth and its free exposition for both research and teaching.
Last Updated: 7/15/24