Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Data Science
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics lists careers in the field of data science and mathematics as some of the fastest growing occupations, with the highest salaries, available between now and 2032!
What does this mean?
- The recent explosion in big data has created a need for individuals who can take the
raw data, collate it into appropriate databases, extract meaningful information from
it and analyze and communicate the extracted information to the end-user.
- High demand. High salaries!
Salary information below is based on 2023 nationwide median salary data, per year, from (degree type required listed under profession below).
(B.S. degree)
(B.S. degree)
(B.S. degree)
(B.S. degree)
The B.S. in Data Science at UToledo is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide students a background in computer programming, mathematics/statistics, communications and specialization in a specific concentration, which provides real-world, practical experience.
Choose a concentration or minor, and apply your skills, in an area of interest to you!
Concentrations available in public health data, astrophysics data or environmental science data; minors in geographic information science and technology, economics, computer science and engineering or physics also constitute concentrations (students interested in other areas should consult with their advisor).
This degree program offers many unique courses, including data visualization and data ethics!
Learn more about the B.S. in Data Science degree program by scheduling a campus visit.