Event Date: March 2, 2024 - Cancelled at The University of Toledo (see note below)
Student Submission Opens: Monday, December 18, 2023
Update (02.13.2024):
It is with deep regret we announce the cancellation of District 2 Science Day, March 2nd. Students and judges are asked to transfer to District 18, which is a virtual one, or register in another nearby district (see OAS website). Registration must be completed by February 26, 2024
Student Registration and Project Submission Informational Videos on YouTube
district SCIENCE DAY 2023-2024 Information
All 17 separate District Science Days (DSDs) are being held in-person only*. DSDs are required to use ProjectBoard for event registration(s). Project registration
requirements are detailed in the ProjectBoard (when you click on registration - whether
you are a student, teacher or judge) information provided and must be completed to
participate. *Students may participate in a separate virtually judged District Science
Day administered by the OAS office, known as “District 18”, if there are concerns
about face-to-face gatherings. SWITCHING DISTRICTS: If a student is unable to attend their assigned District Science Day on its scheduled date and would like to attend a different in-person District Science Day on a different date, that is still allowed. The guidelines for that are in the current State Science Day Guidelines. The written guidelines for switching districts need to be followed. A district is not required to accept a switch, and switching districts is NOT allowed after February 26, 2024 (submission deadline). More information is available under the drop-down Menu in the upper right-hand corner. Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day (NWDSD) is the regional science fair for students in grades 5-12 in schools of Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Williams and Wood counties. Students who enter District Science Day are usually the winners from science fairs held locally at their own school, county or school district. Projects that have followed Ohio Academy of Science standards from students who come from schools where local science fairs are not held are also welcome providing you contact the Director for special permission. The Junior Academy Council of the Ohio Academy of Science (OAS) governs NWDSD; one of 17 science districts in the state. The OAS is a nonprofit organization founded to stimulate interest in the sciences, to promote research, to improve instruction in the sciences, to disseminate scientific knowledge, and to recognize high achievements in attaining these objectives. The NWDSD Council, chaired by Dr. Mark J. Camp from The University of Toledo, organizes this important event. Members of the Council include teachers representing the counties of Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Sandusky, Williams and Wood. We encourage teachers to join us on this committee. If you are interested, call Director, Mark J. Camp, at 419-530-2398 or e-mail at mark.camp@utoledo.edu