Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day at UToledo

Information for Parents


  • Participation in science days helps students develop basic skills they will use daily throughout their life—to sense and clarify problems that exist, to conduct research, to find creative solutions to problems and to communicate.

  • Participation in science day gives students the opportunity to develop the skills, attitudes and knowledge that will help them be comfortable and successful in an ever-changing scientific, technological society.

  • Preparing students for citizen participation in the development of science and technology policy and the utilization of science in everyday life are worthwhile goals often ignored in school curricula, that are achieved through a student research project.

  • Science days offer students the opportunity to define a problem and to design an experiment that will attempt to solve or investigate that problem, thus enabling the student to learn through discovery a topic of their own interest.

  • Students can win special recognition for achievement, certificates, cash awards and college scholarships.

  • Top students (those receiving a "superior" rating) advance to State Science Day.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Director, Mark J. Camp at 419-530-2398 or


Try: Science Experiments | Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab

Also use the resources of your local library. Ask a librarian.


Sept-Oct    Students do background work and decide on project.

All forms are now filled out online at ProjectBoard. The site will determine what forms are necessary. Make copies of everything and have them available at the student’s project site on Science Day. There will not be a registration fee payment page included in student registration this year via ProjectBoard. The registration fee of $30 per student must be submitted through this online payment link.

Fill out forms necessary for project that need to be approved before research begins. Approval Form (IB) needs your signature. Dependent on project content you may need to sign Risk Assessment Form (3) and/or Human Subjects and Informed Consent Form (4). Before entries are sent in February or early March you will also have to sign a Consent and Release Agreement during the online registration process.

Oct-Nov    Project approved by teacher and/or Local Scientific Review Committee or Institutional Review Board.  All forms signed by appropriate people before experimentation begins. 

Oct-Dec    After project is approved student should: 

    • Conduct more background research
    • Begin experimentation
    • Collect data and draw conclusions 
    • Write research paper and include proper references
    • Prepare presentation/poster board 

Dec-Feb     Local fair at school, school district, county, etc. (not required to compete in NWDSD).

Volunteer judges are needed for Northwest Ohio District Science Day. If you are interested contact your child's teacher or the Director of NWDSD or register online.

Registration for Northwest Ohio District 2 Science day is open now - Feb. 26, 2024 online. Students should click here to begin registration via ProjectBoard. Follow the online instructions. The online registration will indicate what forms are necessary for each specific project.

There will not be a registration fee payment page included in student registration this year vai ProjectBoard. The registration fee of $30 per student must be submitted through this online payment link.

Friday, February 26, 2024  - NWDSD Registration ends

DSD REGISTRATION DEADLINE: As of February 1, a “Submit” button will appear for student projects. If a student has completed all of the required portions of the registration process, they can click Submit. At that point, they will no longer be able to edit their project. As of February 26 at 11:59 pm, all projects will become uneditable by students regardless of whether they have clicked Submit.

Students should submit:

1. Abstract Form
2. Research Report
3. Research Plan
4. Additional Student Research Plan for Special Protocols or Adult Supervision Form
5. ISEF Forms (PDF)

    • a. Form 1: Checklist for Adult Sponsor
    • b. Form 1A: Student Checklist
    • c. Form 1B: Approval Form

6. Presentation and Video.

Parents should:

    • Fill out appropriate forms listed above.


SWITCHING DISTRICTS: If a student is unable to attend their assigned District Science Day on its scheduled date and would like to attend a different in-person District Science Day on a different date, that is still allowed. The guidelines for that are in the current State Science Day Guidelines. The written guidelines for switching districts need to be followed. A district is not required to accept a switch, and switching districts is NOT allowed after February 26 (the registration deadline that is discussed above).

REQUIRED TILES IN PROJECTBOARD: For student registration in ProjectBoard, students will enter the usual contact information, etc. Additionally, they will have to complete some (not all) tiles shown on their ProjectBoard project page. The only tiles that are required for all District Science Days are the ISEF Forms, Completed Final Written Report, and Abstract tiles. The Quad Board and Video tiles are only required if a district wants to require one or both of them. The Quad Board and Video tiles are required for BSEF and State Science Day.

Directly after NWDSD

    • For those whose son and/or daughter has qualified for State Science Day (all students receiving a Superior qualify for State Science Day) make certain you understand what is needed for registering. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mark J. Camp at 419-530-2398 or Visit the State Science Day website for details.
    • Any problems with sponsored awards--also contact Dr. Camp.


A team of two judges will judge each project following Ohio Academy of Science standards.  If each judge grants a total score within any one rating category (Superior, Excellent, Good, or Satisfactory), that specific rating (Superior, Excellent, Good, Satisfactory) will be granted to the student and no rejudging is permitted. Rejudging is automatic and is permissible only if all three of the following conditions apply:

a. the judges' final ratings are in different categories,
b. the average of the judges' scores is in the lower category, and
c. if the judges differ in their total points by more than five points.

Contact Director Mark J. Camp at 419-530-2398 or if you have problems.

Summary of Parent Responsibilities

    • Complete all necessary registration papers, signing where required at appropriate time, usually before experimentation begins. Registration is totally online.
    • View main Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day website periodically for updates.
    • Make certain deadlines are met. Completed online registrations are due by Feb. 26, 2024
Last Updated: 7/15/24