Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day at UToledo

Information for Judges

There are two categories of judges (general or sponsored) at Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day—most of you are general judges and responsible for assigning superior, excellent or good ratings to student projects. A number of you are volunteering to determine the awarding of sponsored awards to qualifying students (predetermined by award sponsor). Please peruse the appropriate information below:

How do I Volunteer to be a Judge (general or sponsored) at Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day?

Register to Volunteer as a Judge- ALL judges must register using this link (it only takes 3-5 minutes to register).

Your name, address, phone number, e-mail, affiliation (i.e., are you representing a particular school or company or just helping as an interested individual) and your preference(s) of judging area are needed. The fields include behavioral and social sciences, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, computer sciences, earth and space sciences, engineering sciences, environmental sciences, mathematics, medicine and health, microbiology, physics and zoology. You may choose as many areas as you like. Also, check your preferences of student level—5th-6th, junior high or high school.

NOTE: When you click on the link "Register To Volunteer as a Judge", you will be directed to ProjectBoard. In Step 2 of the registration, you will be able to select either "District Science Day" (this is for General judging) or "District Science Day Sponsored Award" for the Judge type. In Step 4, Sponsored Award Judges will enter their organization name and award name.

You will be contacted by phone, mail or e-mail with more specific information closer to Science Day.

Video for 2023 Judge Registration through ProjectBoard

*What do I do as a General Judge for Science Day?

Projects are arranged numerically. Introduce yourself to each student and try to set them at ease. Most will be nervous, only natural for an event like this. Judging techniques will vary, but generally you want to hear a synopsis of what each student did. Look for knowledge of the scientific method, familiarity with terminology and concepts of the specific field, the use of a control, the running of a number of trials, etc. Look at their research report and note age appropriate references in their bibliography or references cited section. Examine their poster boards for an age appropriate display of all important data.  Note errors in spelling or sloppiness. Also recognize creativeness in the research. At the bottom of this page are some sites that will provide you with some helpful hints and judging techniques.

Some judging teams wait until they have talked to all their students to complete the judging by arriving at rankings; others determine  ranks for each project as they go along. This is up to you, however be aware of the time aspect and try to be prompt in turning in rating sheets and student participation ribbons. Judges’ rooms are provided for you to evaluate your notes on each project. Refreshments will be available. Each judging team member must arrive at numerical values (1-10 highest) in the four or five categories of knowledge achieved, use of scientific method or use of engineering design (if in engineering category), clarity of expression, originality/creativity, and teamwork (if it is a team project). Fill out your rating sheet and turn it in at the registration/checkout table. Each judging team will turn in two sheets for each entrant, one for each judge. You are encouraged to add positive and constructive comments to the rating sheets. This is especially useful to students selected to represent District 2 at State Science Day.  

Judges, it is of utmost importance that you complete your judging in a timely manner. The District 2 office staff has a major task in compiling the rankings and awards before the afternoon awards ceremony. The sooner you complete your judging, the easier it is to prepare for the ceremony. After you are finished judging, have turned in your rating sheets to the checkout table and turned in your judge ribbons your work is finished. We suggest you view the projects before leaving and talk with students whose projects interest you.


**I'm a Sponsored Award Judge, what do I do?

Some of you may have a lengthy list of projects to look at; others may have just a few. It is up to you, as a group, how you go about determining the awardee(s) of your award(s). It is suggested you conduct a walk by to look at all your projects and then determine your order of judging. In a few cases where only a few students have applied for an award you might be able to find other projects that qualify. It is your option to judge these as well. It is perfectly acceptable to eliminate those that do not meet the qualifications of your award(s), especially if you have a large number of applicants. Some of you may judge alone; others may work in teams.

You may return to the Sponsored Award Judges Room to discuss the projects before arriving at the final awardees. Please make certain the projects meet the specific requirements of your awards. If you don't have qualifying projects for some awards please let the registration desk know.  If you make any changes in your organization’s awards, also inform the registration table. Complete your judging in a timely manner, realizing that all judging must be completed by Noon. The District 2 office staff will appreciate early receipt of awardees so there is plenty of time to complete certificates before the afternoon awards ceremony. After selecting your awardees turn the list of recipients in to the registration desk in the Sponsored Award Judges Room and return your special judge ribbons. Please make certain it is clear who received each award.

*Morning of the Competition - Meeting for General Judges

March 2, 2024 - 8 a.m. in the Ingman Room, Thompson Student Union

**Morning of the Competition - Meeting for the Sponsored Award Judges

March 2, 2024 - 8 a.m. in room #2582, Thompson Student Union

We suggest that you take time before leaving to view all the projects and talk to students that have projects of interest. 

Sponsored Award Judges: You are encouraged to present your organization's award(s) at the awards ceremony beginning at 1:30 p.m. in the Ingman Room of Thompson Student Union, otherwise we will make the presentations for you. Please let those at the Registration table know of your intent.

Thanks for being a volunteer judge at NWDSD! Be certain to pick up your certificate of appreciation at the registration desk.

Last Updated: 7/15/24