Northwest Ohio District 2 Science Day at UToledo

Display of Project

Set up a physical display

  • This is a table-top poster display (36" wide x 30" deep) exhibiting tables, diagrams, graphs, models, report, etc. 
  • International Science and Engineering (ISEF) display rules will apply.
  • Items which are now Permitted or Not Permitted, are listed in Science Day Standards, General Information. Please review carefully.
  • If there are questions, contact the OAS office.
  • No equipment is to be displayed at your exhibit site; only the poster setup and supporting paper documents. Objects, specimens, equipment, etc. must not be attached to display boards or included in reports or notebooks.
  • All written reports and log books must disclose and cite where appropriate the specific source(s) of the idea for the project. Citations must be fully documented with references such as author(s), date, publication, and URL, if website.

REQUIRED TILES IN PROJECTBOARD: For student registration in ProjectBoard, students will enter the usual contact information, etc. Additionally, they will have to complete some (not all) tiles shown on their ProjectBoard project page. The only tiles that are required for all District Science Days are the ISEF Forms, Completed Final Written Report, and Abstract tiles. The Quad Board and Video tiles are only required if a district wants to require one or both of them. The Quad Board and Video tiles are required for BSEF and State Science Day.

Participants must complete and post the following information, where applicable, in 14 pt. font on the front of their displays. “Outside sources”, below, means the student did not personally create the graphics, they came from, or were modified from, computer clip art, the internet, books, journal articles, or other printed or digital sources.

Photographs taken by: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Graphics from outside sources are from: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

Photographic permissions were obtained and are located:________________________________________________________________         


Last Updated: 7/15/24