Comparison of Federal Sentencing Guidelines, OIG Guidelines, and UToledo "Action Plan to Ensure Institutional Compliance"
Written policies and procedures |
Step 14: Develop a compliance manual which provides documentation of management’s considerations of compliance, sets forth expectations and standards of conduct and outlines methodologies to be employed to annually assess the effectiveness of the plan and the compliance officer
Compliance standards and procedures |
Written policies and procedures, including a standard of conduct |
Designated high-level manager as responsible for compliance program |
Step 2: University-Wide compliance officer
Step 3: Component compliance officers
Specific individual within high-level personnel of the organization must have been assigned overall responsibility to oversee compliance with the standards and procedures
Designation of a compliance officer responsible for operating and monitoring the compliance program |
Training |
Step 10: Ensure that appropriate general compliance training for all employees and specialized training for appropriate employees is provided on a regular basis
Communicate effectively its standards and procedures to all employees and other agents by requiring participation in training and by disseminating publications explaining the program
Regular employee education and training programs |
Auditing and Monitoring |
Step 9: Establish… and develop a support structure to ensure accomplishment of the plan for each activity that is deemed high-risk
Step 15: Annually audit the design and effectiveness of the UToledo compliance function and the component units
Auditing and monitoring |
Periodic audits to monitor compliance |
Anonymous reporting mechanism |
Step 13: Establish a confidential reporting mechanism
A method of reporting noncompliance without fear of retribution
A reporting mechanism to receive complaints anonymously |
Consistent discipline for noncompliance |
Step 12: Follow-Up to determine that appropriate corrective, restorative, and/or disciplinary action has been taken in the event of noncompliance
Standards must be consistently enforced through appropriate disciplines of responsible individuals |
Corrective action policies and procedures, including disciplinary policies, to respond to allegations of noncompliance |
Responsible steps to correct any identified problems with compliance |
Step 12 (see above) |
After noncompliance is reported the organization must take reasonable steps to respond and prevent |
Investigation and correction of identified systemic problems, including policies addressing the non-employment of sanctioned individuals |